Castro, Ivani Nadir Vieira2014-07-232014-07-2320121647-1989 article aims to examine issues involved in health promotion and its articulation with the work in the public sphere, through programs developed at the School of Public Management (EGP) of Municipal Administration (SMA) – Municipality of Porto Alegre (PMPA) / RS / Brazil – from the Occupational Health department, with the prospect of bringing health practices and existing incentive programs (capacity building projects and qualification). We seek to do so, theoretical frameworks on the historicity of the promotion and health education as well as on work and health. It appears, from the results of this study that the implementation of projects that provide the server to reflect on their professional role and, consequently, become subject and active participant in front of the work process and health promotion is feasible and extremely important in public organizations.application/pdfporopenAccessopenAccessPROMOÇÃO DA SAÚDEHEALTH PROMOTIONEDUCAÇÃO PARA A SAÚDEHEALTH EDUCATIONPOLÍTICA DE SAÚDEHEALTH POLICYA promoção da saúde e a sua articulação com o trabalho na organização públicaarticle