Damásio, Manuel José2025-03-192025-03-192024-12-01Damásio, M J 2024, 'Perspectives on the future of film education in Europe', Baltic Screen Media Review, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 94-113. https://doi.org/10.2478/bsmr-2024-00062346-5522http://hdl.handle.net/10437/15141This paper explores potential avenues for the future development of film education in Europe, emphasizing how ongoing technological, social, and institutional trans­formations affect both the medium of film in itself but also the pedagogical approaches implemented within film schools. Acknowledging rapid advancements like virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and shifting audience behaviors, the paper argues for a paradigm shift toward educating through film, rather than merely about it. The authors present FilmEU – one of the new “European Universities” Alliance – as a model for the future develop­ment of film education, highlighting its interdisciplinary and trans-European approach to creative arts. Additionally, the “Samsara” pedagogical framework is introduced. This is a pedagogical framework designed to foster a holistic learning experience that balances technical training with a broader media literacy and critical thinking focus. The paper advocates for innovative, project-driven approaches that enable film schools to remain relevant and impactful in the cultural and creative industries in the midst of the profound ongoing transformations.engopenAccessCINEMAEDUCATIONFILMEUINTERDISCIPLINARITYLEARNINGRESEARCHCINEMAEDUCAÇÃOFILMEUINTERDISCIPLINARIDADEAPRENDIZAGEMINVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICACICANT - Artigos de Revistas Internacionais com Arbitragem CientíficaPerspectives on the future of film education in Europearticlehttps://doi.org/10.2478/bsmr-2024-0006