Leite, Pedro PereiraFantasia, AnaMaridalho, PatríciaZacarias, Filipa2014-09-302014-09-302014DOI 10.13140/2.1.4240.2564http://hdl.handle.net/10437/5612Internvenção na Conferencia Internacional "Epistemologias do Sul", Universidade de Coimbra, 11 de julho 2014We present the preliminary results of the project "Tree of Memories" developed at the Community Center of Djabula, a village south of Maputo where the NGO VIDA work for an emancipatory social intervention. The association supports the forms of land use and local resources for the generation and diversification of income and support the local community, training of community members for social intervention and the development and use of local knowledge. The results have been scattered in other communities in order to provide a more equitable distribution yields. The project "Tree of Memories" aims working modes of use of social memory in the community for creating social innovation. The article presents the results achieved so far, describing the process of identifying the agents and the recognition of space.application/pdfporopenAccessCÍRCULOS DE MEMÓRIAModos de Fazer e Estar em Djabula Moçambiquearticle