Fachada, Nunode Andrade, DiogoSerra, PedroCódices, NélioLuz, FilipeLopes, PhilFonseca, MicaelaNeves, Pedro2023-01-122023-01-122022-11-17Fachada, N., de Andrade, D., Serra, P., Códices, N., Luz, F., Lopes, P., Fonseca, M. & Neves, P. (2022). Improving the CS Curriculum of a Top-Down Videogames BA. In Proceedings of the 11th Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '22. Netherlands: ACM.https://doi.org/10.1145/3569173.3569183http://hdl.handle.net/10437/13457We present a targeted curricular improvement on an interdisciplinary Videogames Bachelor of Arts, to be implemented in the 2022/23 academic year. The aim is to solve student adaptation issues with the program’s interdisciplinarity that were heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic.engclosedAccessJOGOS DE COMPUTADORCURSO SUPERIORCURRÍCULO DE CIÊNCIAS DA COMPUTAÇÃOCOMPUTER GAMESUNDERGRADUATE DEGREECS CURRICULUMImproving the CS Curriculum of a Top-Down Videogames BAconferenceObject