Mayrand, PierreRogado, Luisa2013-09-272013-09-2720061646-3714 de SociomuseologiaThe quality/reputation of a museum was essentially connected to the personality of the curator, to its affiliation with a social group, to the works on display which are recognized as being exceptional and to the impressive magnificence of the building’s façade. The museological institution did not question itself, being impermeable to the movements of society: It consecrated its own image. The question of evaluation was not posed. The reputation/quality of the museum, taken under its much wider acceptance, is shared when it is about a renowned museum whether for its historical past or innovation. Sometimes it acts on the two aspects. That occurs essentially by the research calculated between its functions of entertainment and knowledge. The museum today simultaneously enchants and informs.application/pdffraopenAccessMUSEUSMUSEOLOGIAGESTÃO DA QUALIDADEMUSEUMSMUSEOLOGYQUALITY MANAGEMENTQu’est-ce que la qualité au juste?article