Bocci, Monica2023Bocci , M 2023 , ' Social responsibility and underground heritage valorisation in small rural communities : lessons from two Italian cases ' , Culture & Territory .2184-8009S e r i e s culture & territory, vol. 5 (2023)There is increasing interest in gaining a better understanding of how small communities have (or have not) been involved in placemaking, and how to secure a more sustainable approach to underground heritage. This contribution analyses two cases of underground heritage in the Province of Ancona, Marche Region, Italy. These cases are located in the Apennine area in two neighbouring municipalities, Genga and Sassoferrato. The first case concerns the Frasassi Natural Caves (Municipality of Genga), which are an amazing natural underground site. The Cabernardi Archeo-Mining Park (Municipality of Sassoferrato) is the second case, which represents one of the most interesting mining areas in central Italy. The study aims at investigating how placemaking and co-creation should engage communities and tourism stakeholders in developing a sustainable rural tourism approach. The two cases represent different approaches to rural tourism development, both however aiming at creating added value for their amazing underground heritage sites. Keywords - Underground heritage valorisation, rural tourism, social responsibility, sustainable development, natural resources, co-creation, placemakingapplication/pdfengopenAccessURBANISMOURBANISMPATRIMÓNIO URBANÍSTICOURBAN HERITAGETURISMO RURALRURAL TOURISMRESPONSABILIDADE SOCIALSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYDESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVELSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTRECURSOS NATURAISNATURAL RESOURCESCOCRIAÇÃOCOCREATIONSocial responsibility and underground heritage valorisation in small rural communities : lessons from two Italian casesarticle