Simon, Sandrine2023-07-132023-07-132022 to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for TomorrowBased on a research project focused on urban agriculture initiatives in Lisbon, this article explores the three dimensions (economic, ecological and social) of sustainability, in view of improving our understanding of what a ‘sustainable city’ may be. In particular, it describes how urban agriculture is helping i) to meet one of the most basic human needs for food; ii) to improve both people’s health - by tackling people’s diet – and the ‘environmental health’ of a city – and by introducing more ecologically-friendly agricultural processes that also help fight climate change and water problems; and iii) to tackle social cohesion issues – by facilitating exchanges and learning within communities. Three critical policy areas where ‘back to human scale’ can have a global impact are then investigated, using the lessons drawn from Urban Agriculture (UA): a) Education for sustainability – and how territorial and social learning can also have an impact on global citizenship education; b) Participatory governance – linking citizen science with urban governance, using ICTs; and c) Political ecology – including fighting climate change through new forms of activism such as ‘proximity and disruptive dissent’ and improving people’s awareness on the political dimensions of food production through alternative food networks dealing with food democracy. The article demonstrates the contribution that modest practical actions undertaken by individuals at neighbourhood levels could have at policy levels if advances in ‘participatory urban governance’, put forward by policy-makers and researchers, are to be taken seriously and better connected to the realm of ‘practical (field-) work’application/pdfengopenAccessARQUITETURAARCHITECTUREDESIGN ARQUITETÓNICOARCHITECTURAL DESIGNPLANEAMENTO URBANOURBAN PLANNINGSUSTENTABILIDADESUSTAINABILITY'Field work' : drawing lessons from urban agriculture to facilitate transitions towards sustainable citiesconferenceObject