Pereirinha, Filipe2013-11-292013-11-2920081646-3722 : Revista Lusófona de Psicanálise Pura e AplicadaPretende-se questionar, neste artigo, a relação entre a literatura e a psicanálise e explorar a conexão entre a palavra a escrita, num mundo cada vez mais confuso do ponto de vista topológico. We intend, with this article, to question the relation between the literature and the psychoanalysis and explore the connection between talking and writing, in a world which is more and more confused topologically.We intend, with this article, to question the relation between the literature and the psychoanalysis and explore the connection between talking and writing, in a world which is more and more confused topologically.application/pdfporopenAccessPSICOLOGIAPSICANÁLISELITERATURAPSYCHOLOGYPSYCHOANALYSISLITERATURECentro e periferiaarticle