Nascimento, Mariana Alves da Silva doNiedoba, SimoneBestetti, Maria Luisa TrindadeCastro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera deWanka, Anna2023-07-142023-07-142022978-989-757-220-3 to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for TomorrowOlder adults were one of the groups framed as most 'at risk' during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, they were most affected by measures like social distancing that reduced or even completely restricted the use and occupation of the territory by seniors. This led many to social isolation, decreasing their chances to participate, enjoy, belong, and ultimately, exercise their right to the city. As restrictions are reducing and people are resuming social interactions outside virtual spaces, it is pertinent to recognize the importance of the built environment in old age and how the exchange between persons and environments can influence the well-being, autonomy, health, and even identity of ageing individuals. To this end, the studies and theories developed in environmental gerontology, a subfield within gerontology dedicated to investigating the relations between seniors and the environment in terms of social, physical, and psychological aspects, can be of great value to comprehending how older adults perceive, use, appropriate, and connect with spaces. That is, understanding the person-environment relationship from another perspective or scale: the scale of older people. Therefore, we seek to introduce in this paper three key theoretical frameworks and concepts of environmental gerontology. Aiming to contribute to expanding the knowledge about a growing population in many places, and a subject (still) little discussed within architecture and urbanism, we expect that being acquainted with these theories can nurture new research and practices in architecture, urban design, and urban planning that consider the old-age scale, promoting friendly environments for allapplication/pdfengopenAccessARQUITETURAARCHITECTUREESPAÇOS ARQUITETÓNICOSARCHITECTURAL SPACESIDOSOSELDERLYDESIGN ARQUITETÓNICOARCHITECTURAL DESIGNGERONTOLOGIA AMBIENTALENVIRONMENTAL GERONTOLOGYThe “Old-Age Scale” : theoretical contributions from environmental gerontologyconferenceObject