Lopes, AntónioCamerino, OleguerAnguera, Maria TeresaJonsson, Gudberg K.2010Lopes , A , Camerino , O , Anguera , M T & Jonsson , G K 2010 , ' Ball Recovery in the Handball Tournament of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Sequential Analysis of Positional Play as Used by the Spanish Team’s Defence ' , Paper presented at ACM New York, NY, USA , 1/01/10 .In sport there is a great need to obtain as much information as possible about the factors which affect the dynamics of play. This study uses sequential analysis and temporal patterns (T-patterns)to examine the evolution of defence (against an equal number of attackers)as used by the Spanish handball team at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The aim is to help handball coaches (during their training and gathering of professional experience)to understand the importance of the structure of defensive systems. This can be achieved through observational processes that reveal the evolution and adaptation of these defensive systems according to different variables: the match score, the response of the opposing team and progress through the tournament.application/pdfengopenAccessTEAM SPORT OBSERVATIONT-PATTERNSOBSERVATIONHANDBALLBall Recovery in the Handball Tournament of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Sequential Analysis of Positional Play as Used by the Spanish Team’s Defence