Norton, José2005Norton , J 2005 , ' Pina Manique e o iluminismo filantrópico em Portugal ' , Campus Social : Revista Lusófona de Ciências Sociais .1646-3749Campus Social : Revista Lusófona de Ciências SociaisPina Manique is mostly known through the unfair image left by XIX century’s historians of a somber and coarsely reactionary civil servant. Nevertheless, if we take a glance at his life (1733-1805), free of passion and political prejudices, we may find the other side of the harsh and implacable Queen’s (Maria I) Police Inspector: a creative visionary, an innovator in pedagogy, an open mind to social problems. Those personal qualities led him to remarkable achievements in the social security area. The foundation of Casa Pia, child care institute that survived until the present days, is its most visible heritage. At the same time he was a conservative in political terms, and he used his iron arm at the service of both the Throne and the Altar. We must not forget that he shared with the marquis of Pombal the views of the, “enlightened despotism”; their mind was open to modernism but they still believed and defended the absolutist rule of the monarch.application/pdfporopenAccessHISTÓRIA DE PORTUGALSERVIÇO SOCIALILUMINISMOAÇÃO SOCIALPORTUGALMANIQUE, PINACASA PIA DE LISBOAHISTORY OF PORTUGALSOCIAL WORKAGE OF ENLIGHTENMENTSOCIAL ACTIONPORTUGALPina Manique e o iluminismo filantrópico em Portugal