Duque de Araújo, Ana MunozCaldas, Mariana2019-04-082019-04-082019http://hdl.handle.net/10437/9491Revista Lusófona de Ciência e Medicina VeterináriaThe recent strategic interests and expectations created in the sector of exploration of marine resources, among them are the traditional activities, especially artisanal fishing, makes certain areas of the country that have this tradition contribute the economical and socio-cultural valorisation of the marine resources and the interests of these extremely important sector for the Algarve. The Association of Street Animals (AAR) developed the Faro Beach Project that aimed to control the populations of stray dogs and cats. A total of 33 fecal samples were collected, representing 27% of the animals submitted to veterinary treatments. The coprological techniques used were qualitative, Willis Flotation and Natural Sedimentation techniques. The parasitism was observed in 60.6% of the animals (20/33), and mixed infections were detected in 45% (9/20). Parasitism by helminths of the genus Toxocara cati was observed in 70% of the samples, (14/20), followed by Ancylostoma spp. 35% (7/20), Dipylidium caninum 5% (1/20) and protozoan oocysts of Cystoisospora felis were observed in 35% (7/20) of the animals. The results showed the high degree of parasitism in the cats of this colony, in particular the occurrence of zoonotic agents such as Toxocara cati. The cohabitation of these animals with the human population and the proximity to fish collection areas may favour the transmission of parasites with zoonotic potential.application/pdfporopenAccessVETERINÁRIAMEDICINA VETERINÁRIAFELÍDEOSGATOSZOONOSESPARASITOLOGIA VETERINÁRIASISTEMA DIGESTIVOVETERINARY MEDICINEFELIDSCATSZOONOSESVETERINARY PARASITOLOGYDIGESTIVE SYSTEMPARASITASPARASITESPARASITASPARASITESCaracterização da ocorrência de parasitas gastrointestinais de gatos na zona de pesca da Ilha de Faroarticle