Pérez Gonzalez, Carmen2018-04-122018-04-1220172184-1241http://hdl.handle.net/10437/8709International Journal on Stereo & Immersive MediaThis paper introduces the astronomical images of the Keystone 600 SET and 1200 SET, and the original photographic plates from which they were printed, analysing both the photographic plate and the published card. The astronomer's work will be discussed together with the method of achieving the stereoscopic effect for the different celestial bodies. Of particular interest was the method of taking advantage of the lunar libration for producing Moon stereographs used by British amateur astronomer Warren de la Rue (1815-1889). He was a pioneer who both established and used this method as early as the 1850s. In addition, this study will also explore the method used decades later on by Edward Emerson Barnard (1857-1923), and other astronomers working at the Yerkes Observatory, to produce stereographs of other celestial bodies. Analysis of how Keystone and other companies enabled a democratization of astronomical portraiture will also be performed and can be attributed to the inclusion of astronomical images in their educational set of stereographs, which were used as leading visual tools to help students learn about our earth and its neighbours.application/pdfengopenAccessAUDIOVISUALFOTOGRAFIAPHOTOGRAPHYESTEREOSCOPIASTEREOSCOPYASTRONOMIAASTRONOMYAUDIOVISUALFrom the observatory to the classroom: space images in the keystone “600 SET” and “1200 SET” article