Souza, Teotónio R. de2009-04-232009-04-231996in Medieval Deccan History: Commemoration volume in honour of P.M. Joshi, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1996, pp. 124-134 account is drawn from a manuscript in Madrid National Library and till recently unpublished. It is an autobiographical account of a diamond trader who lived in Goa in the 17th century and travelled to various regions of India and elsewhere in Asia in search of diamonds. Jacques de Couttre, a flemish merchant, was a victim of the Goa Inquisition, but his diamonds won him freedom!application/pdf5677760 bytesapplication/pdfengopenAccessDIAMONDSDECCANINDIACOUTTREGOAA New Account of the Diamond Mines of the Deccanarticle