Orey, António D'Aragão, Nagayamma Kaymir Tavares de SousaCosta, Carlos SmaniottoDuarte, Tiago2023Orey , A D , Aragão , N K T D S , Costa , C S & Duarte , T 2023 , ' A review of urban river restoration projects : practices and challenges ' , Culture & Territory .2184-8009S e r i e s culture & territory, vol. 5 (2023)Urban rivers are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, being the focus of neglect or costly restoration. It is therefore urgent to identify appropriate technical solutions that, associated with social innovations and collaborative planning approaches, can guide new ways of treating the water of rivers threatened by urban pressures – in particular in the context of climate change, biodiversity and economic challenges. This chapter reports on a research project that attempted to examine interventions in rivers through the lens of environment, planning, technology, and societies. The Project Base Platform Urban Rivers – baseRiU aimed to expand the body of knowledge dedicated to the research on and ways to approach urban rivers. Besides providing a broad base for further research, the findings clearly have shown that resources invested in restoration, renaturing and bringing rivers back to the city make the best investment, as cities become wealthier, with more complex (green and blue) structures, more biodiverse, and environment-, climate- and people-friendlier. Creating sustainable solutions, rediscovering urban rivers’ multiple values to society and the environment can be a driving force in the transition to more sustainable (urban) systems. Yet, bending the curve towards sustainability also requires a radical change in mindsets – and to guide this we need more practice-based evidence. Keywords - Rivers and watercourses, restoration and regeneration, riverain communities, participatory processes, place-based networksapplication/pdfengopenAccessURBANISMOURBANISMRIOSRIVERSDESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVELSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTDESENVOLVIMENTO URBANOURBAN DEVELOPMENTSDG 15 - Life on LandA review of urban river restoration projects : practices and challengesarticle