Neiva, AnaLeão, Teresa2023-07-132023-07-132022978-989-757-220-3 to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for TomorrowThe places where people inhabit determine their health and wellbeing. Architects, as designers of the physical characteristics of living and working spaces, and their surrounding urban atmospheres, can thus influence environmental conditions, social interactions, and the individuals’ downstream lifestyle factors. A person-centred training may help future architects to learn their potential as health promoters through architecture and urban planning and obtain the basic tools. The “Health, Wellbeing and Architecture” interdisciplinary course offered students (from the Medical and Architecture schools) a user-centred perspective, following a student-centred approach. By guiding students through the common contents of Architecture and Public Health in lectures with teachers and researchers from both fields, exposing them to the perspectives of inhabitants in field visits, and providing space to discussion, students learned to analyse real-world examples of neighbourhoods, discussed how housing conditions and neighbourhood characteristics could be influencing health problems, and proposed solutions to improve the users health and wellbeing. Students complemented technical architecture skills with public health evidence, and social participation to propose the design of healthier living environments. - 2 - Student- and user-centred approaches were key to facilitating dialogue among both areas’ students, teachers, researchers, and users. Their reactions and the technical outcomes were very positive, with students reporting to be able to think about health from a broader perspective and to think about architecture considering its impact on the health of its users. Bridging architecture and public health and centring teaching practices on students and users perspectives is fundamental to put people’s health and wellbeing as a priority for Architecture.application/pdfengopenAccessARQUITETURAARCHITECTUREDESIGN ARQUITETÓNICOARCHITECTURAL DESIGNSAÚDE PÚBLICAPUBLIC HEALTHHealthy living places: a pedagogical experience between health and architectureconferenceObject