Gama, Pedro Alexandre Magalhães de Saldanha da2008-12-032008-12-0320051646-3722 : Revista Lusófona de Psicanálise Pura e AplicadaO autor analisa as implicações psicossomáticas que decorrem da hipótese de Freud em Totem e Tabu.The author approaches with a psychosomatic view Totem and Taboo (Freud), about the origins of the civilization and moral, giving special attention to the feeling of guilt in the murder of the father, and the religious absence of this one promoted to a god condition.application/pdfporopenAccessPSICOSSOMÁTICAPSICOLOGIADEUSPSYCHOSOMATICPSYCHOLOGYGODMORALMORALITYSobre a origem psicossomática da moral na obra de Freud «Totem e Tabu»article