Costa, António Afonso2018-04-132018-04-1320172183-9271 Journal of Film and Media ArtsBoth as a cinematographer and teacher it seemed to me opportune to write a text where these two components come together and where one could, from that crossing over, reflect on that intimate but always complex relationship between the teaching of a craft and an art in the context of the creative industries. Such a relationship is assumed in the most varied fields of art—one does not teach what one does not practice— the case of cinematography assumes particular interest in a context where, through technological transformation but also through the changes and circumstances of the economic and artistic activity itself where this activity develops, the exercise of the activity has profoundly transformed. This, of course, calls for an equivalent transformation of the teaching methods and processes. This theme is particularly relevant in the context of this special issue where the relationship between cinema and technology is so present.application/pdfporopenAccessAUDIOVISUALCINEMACINEMATOGRAFIAENSINOAUDIOVISUALCINEMACINEMATOGRAPHYTEACHINGCinematography in cinema : relationship between teaching contexts and its applicationarticle