Menezes, Marluci2018Menezes , M 2018 , ' Informal City Occupancy: (Re-) Thinking Urban Planning Practice from an Anthropological Perspective ' , Entretextos .2183-2102EntretextosWhat is the anthropological contribution in the analysis of the formal / informal when thinking about the urban territory? What is (or can be) the contribution of this analysis to rethinking the urban intervention? Can the informality contribute to innovate the urban intervention and normalise the right to the city?application/pdfengopenAccessEDUCAÇÃOURBANISMOCIDADESPLANEAMENTO URBANOANTROPOLOGIALISBOAEDUCATIONURBANISMCITIESURBAN PLANNINGANTHROPOLOGYLISBONInformal City Occupancy: (Re-) Thinking Urban Planning Practice from an Anthropological Perspectivearticle