Moreno, Humberto Baquero2009-01-272009-01-2720051646-3749 Social : Revista Lusófona de Ciências SociaisThe study of the lodgings in Medieval Portugal is intimately related to the problem of the right of the privileged classes to have residential facilities at the cost of the less favoured social groups who became victims of the abuses of those who moved around the country performing public service. There were constant complaints presented to the royal court, but despite apparent solutions, no significant change was felt. Abuses of privacy of families and persons, disrespect towards women and children, continued to be a stark reality of social marginalization in the Portuguese medieval society.application/pdfporopenAccessHISTÓRIA DE PORTUGALHISTORY OF PORTUGALHISTÓRIA SOCIALSOCIAL HISTORYIDADE MÉDIAMIDDLE AGESMARGINALIDADEMARGINALIZATIONCOMPORTAMENTO ANTISSOCIALANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOURPORTUGALPORTUGALOs marginais no Portugal medievo. Comportamentos anti-sociais perante as normas de hospitalidadearticle