Neves, Luís2009-01-022009-01-022007Revista Lusófona Ciência e Medicina Veterinária 1: (2007) 22-23 Lusófona de Ciência e Medicina VeterináriaA intussuscepção intestinal ocorre quando um segmento proximal do tracto digestivo (intussuscepto) telescopa dentro do segmento distal (intussuscepto). Este tipo de patologia é comum no tracto intestinal dos mamíferos. O autor testemunhou um caso raro de intussuscepção do proventrículo no ventrículo numa Rosela amarela (Platycercus flaveolus). Encontra aqui uma descrição do caso clínico.An intussusception is a situation in which a part of the gastrointestinal tract has prolapsed into another section of intestine, similar to the way in which the parts of a collapsible telescope slide into one another. The part which prolapses into the other is called the intussusceptum, and the part which receives it is called the intussuscipiens. This type of pathology is usually associated to the intestine tract of mammalian species. The author witnessed an unusual case of intussusception, affecting the proventriculus and ventriculus of a Yellow Rosella (Platycercus flaveolus) presented in advanced stage of disease. Although the diagnosis was made post-mortem, the bird was in a too severely debilitated status to have survived surgery, the only effective resolution for these cases. The following article gives a description of the case.application/pdfengopenAccessVETERINÁRIACASOS CLÍNICOSINTUSSUSCEPTIONCLINICAL REPORTSAVESBIRDSPATOLOGIA VETERINÁRIAVETERINARY PATHOLOGYVETERINARY MEDICINEMEDICINA VETERINÁRIAINVAGINAÇÃO INTESTINALProventricular Intussusception in a yellow Rosella (Platycercus Flaveolus)article