CICANT - Artigos de Revistas Internacionais com Arbitragem Científica

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    UNDER FIRE : news coverage of the Russian side of the war in Ukraine as combat : The case of Bruno Amaral de Carvalho
    (Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores de Jornalismo, 2023-12-26) Loureiro, Luís Miguel; Pereira, Rui; Figueira, Alexandra; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Partindo do caso do jornalista freelancer Bruno Amaral de Carvalho, identificamos e analisamos os dois tipos de combates em que se envolveu para garantir a cobertura da guerra da Ucrânia, para a CNN Portugal, a partir do lado russo, entre março e outubro de 2022. Além de se envolver na guerra de informação que, desde 2014, configurou dois campos metanarrativos relativamente à Ucrânia, o jornalista, o único a trabalhar desse lado da guerra para os média portugueses no período em análise, teve de combater as estratégias de degradação simbólica que lhe foram dirigidas por políticos e jornalistas, sob a forma de ataques ao caráter e à independência. O estudo recolhe os conteúdos produzidos por Bruno Amaral de Carvalho para a CNN Portugal, classificando-os de acordo com esses campos metanarrativos, e faz a decomposição e análise ao processo de degradação simbólica que obrigou o jornalista a esse duplo combate.Palavras-chave: Metanarrativas. Jornalismo. Propaganda. Guerra de informação. Degradação simbólica.
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    Perspectives on the future of film education in Europe
    (2024-12-01) Damásio, Manuel José; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    This paper explores potential avenues for the future development of film education in Europe, emphasizing how ongoing technological, social, and institutional trans­formations affect both the medium of film in itself but also the pedagogical approaches implemented within film schools. Acknowledging rapid advancements like virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and shifting audience behaviors, the paper argues for a paradigm shift toward educating through film, rather than merely about it. The authors present FilmEU – one of the new “European Universities” Alliance – as a model for the future develop­ment of film education, highlighting its interdisciplinary and trans-European approach to creative arts. Additionally, the “Samsara” pedagogical framework is introduced. This is a pedagogical framework designed to foster a holistic learning experience that balances technical training with a broader media literacy and critical thinking focus. The paper advocates for innovative, project-driven approaches that enable film schools to remain relevant and impactful in the cultural and creative industries in the midst of the profound ongoing transformations.
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    Desafiar a monogamia : declaração de intenções
    (2025-02-22) Navarro, Pablo Pérez; Barbosa, Mônica; Núñez, Geni; Cardoso, Daniel; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    O dossiê que você tem em mãos surgiu de uma premissa um tanto peculiar: preferíamos não ter muito claro, de antemão, sobre o que iríamos tratar. Pode parecer uma aposta arriscada para um número "temático", mas a verdade é que contávamos apenas com um conjunto de inquietudes relacionadas ao imperativo cultural da monogamia que, bem vistas, não pareciam apontar sequer na mesma direção.
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    Situating #MeToo : a comparative analysis of the movement in Catalonia and Portugal
    (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023) Roqueta-Fernàndez, Marta; CALDEIRA, ANA SOFIA PEREIRA; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Since its re-emergence in 2017, the #MeToo movement has been adopted across the globe. #MeToo has a transnational dimension, transcending its initial US context and placing international issues alongside national concerns. This article aims to contextualize and situate #MeToo, providing a critical review of the movement in two local contexts – Catalonia (Spain) and Portugal. The analysis is grounded on empirical observations on social media, drawing as well on previous scholarship on the topic produced both internationally and in the contexts of study, and on the engagement with relevant national media sources. By focusing on national expressions of #MeToo in Portugal and Catalonia, this article explores how #MeToo took shape in (and was shaped by) the local contexts and existing feminist practices. It presents the different temporalities and dynamics of the movement in these two contexts, exploring the roles of both social media and traditional press in the local developments of #MeToo, and also briefly exploring the local legislative implications of the movement. This article thus presents #MeToo as common and easily recognisable frame used in local contexts to approach different issues of sexual and gendered violence, yet flexible enough to allow for national specificities.
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    Framing empathy : examining audience responses to female-on-male sexual violence
    (Springer, 2025-02-17) Tselenti, Danai; Cardoso, Daniel; Carvalho, Joana; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    The purpose of this secondary study was to investigate readers’ empathic framings in response to a female-on-male rape literary story, as articulated in online reviews on Goodreads. Drawing upon Nabi’s “emotions-as-frames” approach, we conducted a qualitative framing analysis by using a combination of deductive and inductive strategies. Two overarching empathy frames already present in the literature (bright, and dark empathy) served as interpretive anchors for categorizing empathic responses. Additionally, sentiment analysis was used to assess responses’ emotional valences. Qualitative findings yielded five main framings: (1) femalecentered empathy and (2) sadistic empathy (aligning with the dark empathy frame); (3) empathic distress and (4) empathic anger (demonstrating overlaps between the bright and dark empathy frame), and (5) compassion (characteristic of the bright empathy frame). Sentiment analysis results showed a notable presence of mixed sentiments. Our findings highlight how empathy operates across a spectrum, encompassing various combinations of self-oriented and other-oriented framings with diverse emotional valences (positive, negative and mixed). These nuanced responses shape distinct paths of feeling through, with/as, for, or even showing concern for the fictional male victims. They further point to the significance of “feeling rules” that socially distribute empathy and establish hierarchies of “deserving” and “nondeserving” recipients. Departing from previous research that approaches empathic reactions to rape themes within a unidimensional perspective, our findings point to the importance of addressing the interrelations between audience responses and multi-dimensional, multivalent emotional flows. We further discuss the implications of the “darker” sides of empathic engagement for sexual violence prevention and efforts to challenge male rape myths.
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    Diversity in partner number sexuality via Sexual Configurations Theory
    (Springer New York, 2025-01-16) Mathi, Lydia Victoria Kula; Wilhelm, Bianca S.; De Barros, Ana Carolina; Cardoso, Daniel; Connolly, Sam; Van Anders, Greg; Van Anders, Sari M.; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    “Partner number sexuality” (P#S) refers to how many partners individuals have/are interested in having. Those with P#S outside of monogamous desires and/or practices commonly face stigma in North America and elsewhere. Yet theories of sexuality do not always make room for diverse P#S. One theory that does is sexual configurations theory (SCT), which visually models gender/sex and sexuality (van Anders, 2015). In this study, we investigated what insights SCT could provide into P#S, whether SCT was useful to those with minoritized P#S, and how those with minoritized P#S made use of SCT. To do so, we conducted online interviews, asking participants (N = 26) to complete two SCT diagrams and report on their experience. We used template analysis to analyze transcripts and compiled “SCT heatmaps,” aggregates of SCT diagrams. We constructed 11 major themes, including diverse understandings of eroticism and romantic/platonic relationships, the impacts of hermeneutical injustice (the injustice of knowledge systems) on participants’ abilities to conceptualize and discuss their P#S, and how SCT facilitated conversations about P#S. The heatmaps showed that participants made use of most of both SCT diagrams, showing branchedness in P#S between “eroticism” and “nurturance,” and between status, identity, and orientation. Our study highlights that the lived experience of partnering, especially of those with minoritized P#S, extends far beyond commonly understood categories, and that SCT is a useful tool that can accurately reflect diversity in P#S.
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    The bodies of the (digitized) body : experiences of sexual(ised) work on OnlyFans
    (Society of Media Researchers In Denmark, 2021) Cardoso, Daniel; Scarcelli, Cosimo Marco; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    OnlyFans has enjoyed increasing attention from media and from users and consumers, especially since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, and particularly amongst internet- savy emerging adults. We used semi-structured interviews to collect testimonies from young Italian women (N=20) who sell their own sexual(ised) content on OnlyFans and processed them through Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke 2006). Through this process, we sought to explore how different bodies are conceptualized in relation to content production, and how labour takes somatic existence in multiple ways. We looked at (1) how the body is prepared to be presented and mediatized, (2) how its presentation is conceptualized and actualized, and (3) how that work of re-presentation, as a work of networking and therefore where bodily energy is invested and expended. Through this, we show how there are multiple, concurrent and at times contradictory, narratives about corporality, and that potency and healing coexist alongside exhaustion.
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    The art of feminist-queering the Museum : Gate-leaking
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020) Grácio, Rita; Coutinho, Andreia C; Falé, Laura; Sobreira, Maribel; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    This paper takes part in the ongoing debate around how museums have begun to address LGBTQI+ and feminist issues in the 21st century. While Portugal is a particularly interesting country to consider, given that it has passed some of the most advanced legislation on LGBTQI+ rights in Europe (Santos 2012), this progressivism is not reflected in Portuguese museum practices, given that gender museology has been slow to emerge (Vaquinhas 2014). After briefly contextualising initiatives addressing gender in Portuguese art museums, we present as a case study Trazer a margem para o centro (Bringing the Margin to the Centre), a series of three talks hosted by the Berardo Collection Museum, which is considered Portugal’s primary modern and contemporary art museum. Unlike previous initiatives in art museums, which were museum-led, the series of talks was led by the small intersectional feminist collective FACA. A sociologist (Rita Grácio) and the three members of FACA (Andreia Coutinho, Laura Falé and Maribel Sobreira) designed and conducted the three talks that constitute the initiative Bringing the Margin to the Centre. Grácio designed and conducted the qualitative study of the audiences that attended Bringing the Margin to the Centre. This study consisted of participant observation at the event series, at which an adapted version of the Personal Meaning Mapping technique (Falk and Storksdieck 2005) was applied; semi-structured phone interviews with participants were then conducted after the event (Falk and Dierking 2011). The main findings show this event raised awareness among cisgender visitors with heteronormative perspectives and provided a space for counter-narratives of the queer community, showing the role of collective curatorial activism and museums in promoting gender equality and inclusiveness, if acting as gate-leakers, rather than as gatekeepers. Hence, museums can provide lessons to other organisations interested in promoting diversity and inclusion.
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    Sexual fluidity, BDSM and gender : an exploratory study on Portuguese BDSM practitioners
    (Springer New York, 2023-10-25) Marujo, Catarina; Cardoso, Daniel; Oliveira, Alexandra; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    BDSM constitutes a stigmatized form of sexuality in which sexual fluidity may arise. Noting the scarcity of research on these themes in Portugal, we sought to explore and understand sexual fluidity in people who identified themselves as BDSM practitioners, both in the context of so-called ‘vanilla’ sex and BDSM practice. Using a qualitative methodology, we prepared an online questionnaire disseminated on platforms used by BDSM practitioners, having obtained 54 participants. The data were subjected to content analysis and simple statistical analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis: the importance of gender in both forms of sexuality, the perception and knowledge about sexual fluidity, and the experience of sexual fluidity. It was found that BDSM practitioners are relatively sexually fluid and demonstrate various sexual behaviors discordant with their romantic and sexual attractions. In addition to this, there were multiple justifications regarding the importance of gender when it comes to their attractions. It was also found that men, regardless of sexual identity, are more sexually fluid than women. This study contributes to the knowledge about BDSM and the deconstruction of categories related to gender and sexual identity, and finally, to the normalization of non-normative sexual practices.
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    Offshoring & leaking: Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax evasion, and celebrity in neoliberal times
    (2021) Jorge, Ana Margarida Ferreira Rato; Oliva, Mercè; Aguiar, Luis L M.; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    This article examines how the news media framed the allegations made in 2016 against Cristiano Ronaldo for evading taxes through offshores, and how audiences discussed this online, in Portugal, where he is originally from, and Spain, where he played football at the time. These countries were amidst an “austerity culture” justifying welfare cuts, promoting entrepreneurialism as “success”, and presenting neoliberal policies as “common sense”. Our analysis reveals Ronaldo portrayed as a member of the economic elite criticized for the high earnings of football players and celebrity tax privileges; as an ungrateful immigrant who does not contribute enough to society; and as “one like us” maneuvering to evade taxes. The comparative analysis shows audiences had double standards based on their feelings toward the celebrity, and they interpreted this case positively or negatively in relation to the inefficiency of the fiscal and justice systems in Southern Europe.
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    Diversidade relacional e olhares mediáticos : uma década de representações jornalísticas de não-monogamias consensuais em Portugal
    (2021) Cardoso, Daniel; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    O contexto dos Direitos Humanos e da cidadania íntima (PLUMMER, 1995) é frequentemente usado para explorar o poliamor (CARDOSO, 2017) e outras formas de relacionamentos alternativos à mono-normatividade (PIEPER; BAUER, 2005). O activismo em torno destes temas tende a seguir de perto a agenda política traçada em primeira instância pela comunidade LGBTQ+, sendo algumas das suas expressões mais visíveis as que se alinham com a conquista de direitos dentro do contexto das democracias liberais (AVIRAM, 2010; AVIRAM; LEACHMAN, 2015; SANTIAGO, 2015). Estudar a forma como as Não-Monogamias Consensuais (NMCs) são representadas na imprensa permite compreender a cobertura do tema, a linguagem usada, os actores sociais mobilizados, e que conceitos são passados para o público em geral. Este artigo apresenta os resultados da análise da cobertura noticiosa sobre NMCs em Portugal, na imprensa escrita, entre 2010 e 2020, através de análise de conteúdo a 238 artigos, e permite compreender que, apesar de o poliamor ter entrado de forma generalizada no vocabulário comum, a agenda mediática parece pouco sensibilizada para com as actividades e publicações de activistas sobre NMCs em Portugal, demonstrando uma limitada capacidade destes em impactar a agenda mediática e contribuindo para um foco individualizante e potencialmente despolitizado. Isto, por sua vez, dificulta a integração da diversidade de orientação relacional como um elemento plenipotenciário da organização de identidades e comunidades íntimas e seus sujeitos como detentores de direitos políticos válidos.
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    ‘When you realise your dad is Cristiano Ronaldo’ : celebrity sharenting and children’s digital identities
    (Routledge, 2022) Jorge, Ana; Marôpo, Lidia; Neto, Filipa; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Sharenting, or the practice of sharing one’s parenting or information about one’s children on social media, occurs in an increasingly platformized digital culture, where visual formats are central across participatory and commercial repositories. This paper investigates the articulation between sharenting as performed by celebrities and the wider construction of children’s digital identities. Through qualitative content analysis, this research looks at how Cristiano Ronaldo, the most-followed individual on Instagram since 2018, his partner, and his mother shared information about his children on that social media platform between 2018 and 2020. Through manual exploration, we searched for Ronaldo’s children across a variety of digital spaces. Our analysis reveals that sharenting on Instagram engages audiences through the portrayal of children as the parents’ extended self. Content from Instagram and news media is appropriated in vernacular and commercial digital spaces for conflicting affects: the cute father-son dyad, and the son as extension of the uber-famous, vain father. This extreme case shows how the digital identities of children of celebrities are widely public, formed by the everyday, intimate content of the family’s life, which is persistent and collectively recreated by news media, vernacular culture, and commercial platforms. Keywords: Instagram; memes; football; affect; family; social media
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    Combining the rational and relational perspectives of electronic trading
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2009) Redondo, Eduardo; Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Many organisations make extensive use of electronic linkages to facilitate their trading exchanges with partners such as suppliers, distributors and customers. This research explores how the use of inter-organisational systems (IOS) both affects, and is affected by, the relationships between trading partners. In doing this, it brings together two existing but distinct perspectives and literatures; the rational view informed by IOS research, and the behavioural or relationship perspective embodied in inter-organisational relationships (IOR) literature. The research was undertaken in the European paper industry by means of six dyadic case studies. The dyads studied covered both traditional electronic data interchange systems and newer e-marketplace environments. A framework was derived from existing literature that integrates the two perspectives of interest. The framework was used to analyse the case studies undertaken and enabled the inter-relationship between IOS use and IOR to be explained.
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    Defining polyamory : a thematic analysis of lay people's definitions
    (Springer New York, 2021-05) Cardoso, Daniel; Pascoal, Patricia M.; Maiochi, Francisco Hertel; Escola de Comunicação, Arquitetura, Artes e Tecnologias da Informação; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias; Escola de Psicologia e Ciências da Vida
    This study aimed to analyze laypeople’s definitions of polyamory and compare definitions presented by people who are not willing to engage in consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and those who are or are willing to be in a CNM relationship. This exploratory qualitative study used data collected from a convenience sample through a web survey, where people answered the question “What does polyamory mean?” We conducted thematic analysis to examine patterns in meaning and used demographic data to compare themes among groups. The final sample comprised 463 participants aged 18–66 years (M = 32.19, SD = 10.02), mostly heterosexual (60%). Of the total sample, 54% were in a monogamous relationship, followed by 21% not in a relationship, and 13% in a non-monogamous relationship. Analysis showed that people define polyamory mostly as a set of behaviors in a relationship, followed by the potential of multiple relationships or feelings for multiple people. Definitions also include emotional, sexual, and ethical aspects. People in CNM relationships are more likely to define polyamory as constituting a potential form of relating, focus more on interpersonal feelings and ethics, and include consent in their definitions than those unwilling to engage in CNM. People in CNM relationships also focus particularly on the non-central role of sex within these relationships, which might challenge assumptions about sexuality in these relationships in clinical and research settings.
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    Exploring disparities between acoustic and digital sound
    (MIT Press, 2015) Sá, Adriana; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Mapping digital sound to an acoustic input enables the performer and the software to ‘talk’ simultaneously. Whilst the performer has direct control over the acoustic outcome, the digital can become a means of destabilization - as it is mediated through code. Musical expression substantiates as the performer addresses the unexpected resourcefully. This text describes the performative dynamics in terms of perceptual mechanics. Keywords: acoustic instruments, digital instruments, perception, conscious awareness, chance
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    Children’s cancer narratives on YouTube : Agency and entrepreneurship in Brazilian CarecaTV
    (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020) Marôpo, Lidia; Carvalho, Raiana de; Jorge, Ana Margarida Ferreira Rato; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    This article looks at the social and cultural contexts of children’s experiences of illness, through a particular focus on the context of the Global South and the role of the social media platform YouTube in children’s culture. It takes a socio-constructivist approach to discuss the case of CarecaTV (BaldTV), a Brazilian YouTube channel with more than one million followers created by Lorena Reginato at the age of 12 when she was recovering from brain cancer. In CarecaTV, cancer subjectivity co-exists with and is expressed through digital commercialization. On the one hand, through this process, Lorena Reginato gains agency as she offers an inspirational and credible first-person testimony about cancer during childhood and becomes an emerging cancer activist. On the other, she uses entrepreneurship strategies associated with the digital influencer model of YouTube to promote herself as a (cancer) micro-celebrity, taking the lead in a youthful and playful culture.
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    Influenza : a board game design experiment on vaccination
    (SAGE Publications Inc., 2021-08) Neves, Pedro Pinto; Luz, Filipe Costa; Vital, Eva; Oliveira, Jorge; HEI-LAB (FCT) - Digital Laboratories for Environments and Human Interactions
    Introduction.: Experts on vaccine hesitancy recommend tailoring interventions to local contexts, which presents an opportunity for game-based interventions to reflect local demographics and make them central to the experience of the game. Experimental game design is a research method that has already been used in educational games. Board games are relevant to the topic of vaccination, and present possibilities for game design of openness and flexibility. INFLUENZA was an experimental game design with the objectives of designing a vaccination-themed educational board game where: an aspect of local context was highly-relevant but also easily modifiable, means of emotional engagement were explored, and openness and flexibility in board game design were explored. Methods.: The experimental game design study consisted of finding design solutions for achieving the study objectives in a single game, by analyzing comparable games and using iteration and two stages of live testing with players. Results.: The game reflects national census data in a highly-relevant but also easily modifiable aspect of play (first objective). The game features aspects of personification to foster emotional engagement (second objective). The game is well-suited to changing the number of players, or allowing mediated play (third objective). Discussion.: INFLUENZA has achieved each of its study objectives from an experimental game design perspective. Relevant features of educational games are theme, mechanics, and their integration, and the design experimentation in INFLUENZA follows this trend. Future work is running comparative trials of features of INFLUENZA, as well as measuring the impact of different local adaptations of INFLUENZA.
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    Adaptive Non-Immersive VR Environment for Eliciting Fear of Cockroaches : a Physiology-Driven Approach Combined with 3D-TV Exposure
    (Universidad de San Buenaventura, 2020) Rosa, Pedro Joel; Luz, FIlipe Costa; Junior, Roberto; Oliveira, Jorge; Morais, Diogo; Gamito, Pedro; HEI-LAB (FCT) - Digital Laboratories for Environments and Human Interactions
    Non-immersive VR environments are related to the least interactive application of VR techniques, such that interaction with the VR environment can occur commonly by 3D-TV without full immersion into the environment. This study presents how 3D-TV exposure combined with physiology recording can elicit fear of cockroaches among individuals with different levels of fear. Thirty-six participants, set apart into three fear groups (low vs. moderate vs. high), were exposed to VR environment with cockroaches for 4 minutes while recording and using cardiac activity as input to the VR environment. Results revealed significant effects on self-report measures and heart rate between different fear groups. Moreover, participants with higher levels of fear were more likely to trigger cockroaches into the scenario due to their cardiac acceleration. Overall results suggest that our physiology-driven VR environment is valid for fear elicitation while having potential use in therapeutic domain.
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    e-Health and Health literacy: a revision of research methods
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012-12-12) Damásio, Manuel José; Mackert, Michael; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    E-health provides powerful tools to improve health, but users’ health literacy – their ability to obtain, process, and act appropriately on health information – plays a role in their ability to make the most of e-health applications. This project reviewed research focused on e-health and health literacy, coding 94 articles to provide an overview of the field including use of theory and research methods. Findings indicate a lack of theory and use of established health literacy measures.
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    Using digital interactive television for the promotion of health and wellness
    (Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group, 2014) Quico, Célia; Damásio, Manuel José; Batista, André; Sequeira, Ágata; Veríssimo, Iolanda; Henriques, Sara; Cardoso, Mário; CICANT (FCT) - Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias
    Digital interactive television (iDTV) is often seen as a platform with great potential to deliver health and wellness content and services directly to people. Despite the advantages of e-Health, public engagement with such services is still limited. Our research assumes that health literacy plays a key role on users’ engagement with these kinds of services and we postulate that it is one of the main predictors of users’ attitudes and behaviours towards iDTV health and wellness services. Our main goal was to identify and describe the factors that limit the efficiency of e-Health interventions and the potential depicted in this context by specific technologies – i.e. iDTV. The proposed research design adopts a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques. The studies were conducted in a southern European country – Portugal – between 2012 and 2013. We found that 51.7% of the respondents showed high probability (þ50%) of having limited health literacy (low literacy) and they are more likely to be men/women with an average age of 49.81, fourth grade or less, belonging to status group D/E and showing less interest and less perception of the utility of e-Health interventions. The groups that depict limited e-Health literacy are also the ones least interested in digital TV services related to health and wellness. Following this, we propose that in order for people to realize the actual benefits of using these applications, it is essential to tailor both content and services in accordance with the depicted level of e-Health literacy.