Ajustamento psicossocial de crianças e jovens em acolhimento familiar: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
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O objetivo deste trabalho centra-se na necessidade de aprofundar um tema pouco explorado no panorama nacional, nomeadamente o ajustamento psicossocial de crianças e jovens em regime de acolhimento familiar, analisando a investigação empírica dos últimos 10 anos. Para o efeito, procedeu-se à realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura neste âmbito, por via de uma análise descritiva dos resultados da investigação publicada nas bases de dados referenciais da área. Inseriram-se os seguintes termos de pesquisa (e respetiva combinação): Acolhimento Familiar AND Psicossocial (em Língua Portuguesa), Acogimento Familiar AND Psicosocial (em Língua Espanhola), Foster Care AND Psychosocial, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adaptation, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adjustment, e Foster Care AND Psychological (em Língua Inglesa). Esta pesquisa resultou na obtenção de 106 artigos, tendo em consideração se os termos de pesquisa encontravam-se no titulo e/ou resumo dos mesmos. Estes artigos foram alvos de triagem, consoante os critérios de inclusão e exclusão definidos. Após aplicação destes critérios chegou-se aos 36 artigos utilizados para esta revisão. A análise qualitativa de conteúdo resultou na identificação de 4 categorias temáticas, referentes a dimensões comportamentais, cognitivas, da saúde mental e do próprio conceito de ajustamento das crianças acolhidas, tomando como ponto de comparação o impacto que as outras medidas de acolhimento têm nos seus beneficiários. Os resultados desta revisão apontam para um retrato de vulnerabilidade como modo de descrever esta população, estando sujeita a múltiplos riscos de cariz psicossocial, o que engloba consequências em todas as dimensões referidas anteriormente.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the empirical research of the last 10 years, focusing on the need to deepen a topic that has not been heavily explored in the national context, namely the psychosocial adjustment of children and young people in family based foster care. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, through a descriptive analysis of the research results published in referential scientific databases. The following research terms (and their combination) were inserted: Acolhimento Familiar AND Psicossocial (in Portuguese), Acogimento Familiar AND Psicosocial (in Spanish), Foster Care AND Psychosocial, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adaptation, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adjustment, e Foster Care AND Psychological (in English). This search resulted in 106 articles, considering the research terms included in the title and/or abstract of the respective articles. These articles were screened according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria previously defined. After applying these criteria, 36 articles were selected for the current revision. The qualitative content analysis of the articles resulted in the identification of four thematic categories, which were related to 1) behaviorial and 2) cognitive functioning dimensions, 3) mental health and the 4) overall concept of adjustment of children and youth in the foster care system. The comparison with the impact of other out-of-home care measures, besides family based foster care, was also considered. The results of this review point to a portrait of vulnerability in describing this population, who presents multiple psychosocial risks that impact in all the above mentioned dimensions of psychosocial functioning.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the empirical research of the last 10 years, focusing on the need to deepen a topic that has not been heavily explored in the national context, namely the psychosocial adjustment of children and young people in family based foster care. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, through a descriptive analysis of the research results published in referential scientific databases. The following research terms (and their combination) were inserted: Acolhimento Familiar AND Psicossocial (in Portuguese), Acogimento Familiar AND Psicosocial (in Spanish), Foster Care AND Psychosocial, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adaptation, Foster Care AND Psychosocial Adjustment, e Foster Care AND Psychological (in English). This search resulted in 106 articles, considering the research terms included in the title and/or abstract of the respective articles. These articles were screened according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria previously defined. After applying these criteria, 36 articles were selected for the current revision. The qualitative content analysis of the articles resulted in the identification of four thematic categories, which were related to 1) behaviorial and 2) cognitive functioning dimensions, 3) mental health and the 4) overall concept of adjustment of children and youth in the foster care system. The comparison with the impact of other out-of-home care measures, besides family based foster care, was also considered. The results of this review point to a portrait of vulnerability in describing this population, who presents multiple psychosocial risks that impact in all the above mentioned dimensions of psychosocial functioning.
Orientação: Célia Regina Gomes Oliveira