Educação em saúde : estratégia de promoção da qualidade de vida na terceira idade

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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas


Visando um envelhecimento ativo, a psicomotricidade assume importante papel na promoção de saúde do idoso através de diferentes dimensões, tais como, preventivas, educativas e reeducativas, proporcionando benefícios biopsicossociais, e consequentemente qualidade de vida. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar se o nível de qualidade de vida da terceira idade e influenciado pelo ensino de exercícios psicomotores como estratégia de educação em saúde. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa e delineamento quase experimental apenas com o pós-teste. A amostra foi composta por 40 idosos (20 ativos e 20 inativos), com características biodemográficas semelhantes. Utilizou-se um formulário biodemográfico, o instrumento WHOQOL- -bref e a escala de Berg. Para tratamento estatístico, foi utilizado o SPSS® 15.0. Os resultados mostraram que os domínios presentes no construto qualidade de vida (físico, psicológico, relações sociais e ambiental) e a qualidade de vida total apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significantes entre idosos ativos e inativos (p≤0,05), bem como no teste de Berg, que foi favorável aos idosos ativos quanto ao equilíbrio funcional, com uma diferença de 7,5 da pontuação media e representando menor risco de quedas. Desta forma, conclui-se que a prática de exercícios psicomotores é indicativa de melhor qualidade de vida.
Aging is a process of regression biopsychosocial and can be observed in all living beings, expressed by losing their ability throughout life because of the influence of different variables, such as genetic, accumulated damage and lifestyle, as well as psychoemotional changes. Aging without inability became indispensable for maintaining a good quality of life. So, the allocation of health professionals as agents of change in the context of integral care for elderly became to be a facilitator on the process of health education. Within this perspective, physiotherapy should support health actions for elderlies, trying to preserve them with maximum functional capacity and physical and mental independence in the community. Therefore, alternatives that satisfy to different biological, psychological and social elderly’s conditions should be offered, within care models that are based on primary attention to healthy, emphasizing the promotions of health and the prevention of diseases and incapacities that affect these people. In order to favor the actions of these factors and aiming an active aging, the psychomotor plays an important role on the promotion of elderly health by different dimensions, as preventive, educational, reeducational, providing benefits biopsycosocial, and consequently, quality of life. Considering the above and the interrelationship between education and health, having as a link the psychomotor, the choice was evaluate of active elderlies quality of subjective life (participants of a program of psychomotor activity) and inactive, and thus establishing the due compared. This research aimed to investigate if the level of quality of life of elderly is influenced by the teaching of psychomotor exercises as a strategy for health education. This was a descriptive study with quantitative approach and delineation almost experimental only with the post-test. The sample was composed of 40 elderlies (20 active and 20 inactive), with similar characteristics biodemographic. Was used a biodemographic form, the instrument WHOQOL-bref and Berg scale. For data treatment was used the SPSS® 15.0. Results showed that the domains presents on quality of life construct (physic, psychological, social and environmental relations) and the total quality of life presented significant statistical differences between active and inactive elderlies (p≤0,05), as well as the testing of Berg, which was favorable for active elderlies about functional equilibrium, with the difference of 7,5 of the average score and so, representing lower risk of falls. Thus, it is concluded that the practice of psychomotor exercises is an indicative of a better quality of life.


Revista Lusófona de Educação


