A educação e formação de adultos (1999-2010) : a progressiva importância da educação e formação para a competitividade

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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology


Neste artigo discuto a política pública de educação e formação de adultos, em resultado da adopção do S@ber+. Programa para Desenvolvimento e Expansão da Educação e Formação de Adultos 1999-2006, após 1999, e da Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades, depois de 2005. Estes documentos são objecto da análise de conteúdo; são igualmente efectuadas referências a Programas de Governo e legislação. A discussão das finalidades da política pública que podem ser encontradas nestes textos é efectuada a partir de três modelos de análise de políticas públicas que incluem dois eixos, um educativo e um político, aqui destacado, que privilegia a intervenção do Estado na educação de adultos. As considerações finais apontam para uma crescente influência da União Europeia na política pública de educação e formação de adultos, nomeadamente para um destaque na relação entre educação/formação e políticas de emprego, no que às prioridades concerne, o que denota a valorização de princípios de educação e formação para a competitividade, a retracção do Estado neste campo de práticas e a responsabilização dos adultos pelas suas opções e percursos de aprendizagem.
In this article the main subject of analysis is the adult education and training policy. This policy marked a rupture towards the previous second-chance education policy and it was the result of the adoption of the programmes S@ ber+. Programa para Desenvolvimento e Expansão da Educação e Formação de Adultos (Knowing+. Programme for the development and expansion of adult education and training) after 1999 and the Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades (New opportunities initiative) after 2005. This article is mainly directed at the discussion and interpretation of aims of this policy, namely these concerning a strong extension effort made through recognition of prior learning, adult education and training courses and modular training in the frame of adult basic education (through the certification of 4 years, 6 years or 9 years of school education – and secondary education – 12 years of school education) and professional qualification in what is related to vocational training. The policy documents referred are of open access and are the object of content analysis. Besides these, Government programmes and legal texts are also referred to. This discussion is based on three policy analysis models: the critical education policies; the modernization and education for social conformity policies; and policies for education and training for competitiveness. These include a political axis that is stressed in this article as well as an educational axis. Data emphasize the growing influence of European Union guidelines and funding availabel in adult education policy in Portugal oriented towards education and trianing for competitiveness. They also stress the importance concealed to adult basic education within the critical reconversion of the Portuguese economy in the frame of globalization, which is a concern of modernization and education for social conformity political approach. Globally, education and training for competitiveness, State retraction in the field of adult education and the responsabilization of adults for their learning choices and paths achieved are relevant issues in both programmes. Therefore, adult education and training seems to be further from a global public policy (advocated by progressive social and educational sectors) including in an integrated way such as popular education, local development, social animation, vocational training and adult basic education programmes according to o societal model in which education of adults is a relevant area. In fact, this policy reveals a trend towards an intermittent pattern that has characterised the State intervention in this field since the Democratic Revolution (1974). This pattern has fragmented the field and has contributed to a weak policy legitimisation.


Revista Lusófona de Educação




Guimarães, P 2013, 'A educação e formação de adultos (1999-2010) : a progressiva importância da educação e formação para a competitividade', Revista Lusófona de Educação.