Evasão escolar no ensino superior: um estudo qualitativo via mapeamento de licenciaturas
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
Realizou-se uma investigação qualitativa sobre a evasão dos cursos (presenciais) de licenciaturas em Física, Matemática e em Química da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Considera-se evadido o estudante que abandona(ou)/desiste(iu) do curso no qual está matriculado antes de concluí-lo. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi mensurar e compreender a realidade da evasão nos cursos de graduação presenciais da UFG. Os cálculos de evasão foram consolidados para o período de 2014 a 2016, a partir de duas fórmulas: a primeira estipulada pela Comissão Especial de Estudos sobre evasão; e a segunda utilizada pelo grupo de trabalho do Fórum de Pró-reitores de Planeamento e Administração. Com a finalidade de obtenção de dados, foram aplicados quatro questionários (instrumentos de recolha de dados validados), com questões abertas e fechadas. Entre os principais motivos que levaram/levam os estudantes a abandonar o curso foram apontados: os professores, a coordenação, o ensino e as aulas. Concluiu-se que a trajetória académica é definida sob ponto de vista (pressão) social, os estudantes não escolhem o curso por vocação, mas sim por influências exógenas ou outras razões tais como relações pessoais e/ou profissionais.
A qualitative investigation was carried out on the dropout of (presential) undergraduate degree courses in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). A student who leaves (or) / gives up of the course in which is enrolled before completing it is considered dropout. The main objective of this study was to measure and understand the reality of dropout in UFG presential undergraduate courses. The dropout calculations were consolidated for the period 2014 to 2016, from two formulas: the first being proposed by the Special Committee on Dropout Studies; and the second one used by the Pro-Rectors for Forum of Pro-Rectors for Planning and Administration. In order to obtain data, four questionnaires (validated data collection instruments) were applied, with open and closed questions. Among the main reasons that led the students to leave the course are: teachers, coordination, teaching and classes. It is concluded that the academic trajectory is defined from a social (pressure) point of view, students do not choose the course by vocation, but by exogenous influences or other reasons such as personal and /or professional relationships.
A qualitative investigation was carried out on the dropout of (presential) undergraduate degree courses in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). A student who leaves (or) / gives up of the course in which is enrolled before completing it is considered dropout. The main objective of this study was to measure and understand the reality of dropout in UFG presential undergraduate courses. The dropout calculations were consolidated for the period 2014 to 2016, from two formulas: the first being proposed by the Special Committee on Dropout Studies; and the second one used by the Pro-Rectors for Forum of Pro-Rectors for Planning and Administration. In order to obtain data, four questionnaires (validated data collection instruments) were applied, with open and closed questions. Among the main reasons that led the students to leave the course are: teachers, coordination, teaching and classes. It is concluded that the academic trajectory is defined from a social (pressure) point of view, students do not choose the course by vocation, but by exogenous influences or other reasons such as personal and /or professional relationships.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Souza , T S , Sá , S & Castro , P A D 2019 , ' Evasão escolar no ensino superior: um estudo qualitativo via mapeamento de licenciaturas ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação .