Programas e ações em qualidade de vida no trabalho: possibilidades e limites das organizações
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A promoção de ações e/ou programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) vem se tornando a maneira pela qual é possível se desenvolver e manter a motivação e o comprometimento dos colaboradores, resultando em inúmeros benefícios. Contudo, cada programa deve ter um direcionamento, uma vez que cada empresa tem a sua especificidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo expor possíveis ações e programas de promoção da QVT com o propósito de melhorar a saúdedo trabalhador e o ganho das empresas. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão narrativa do conhecimento disponível na literatura, com consulta às seguintes bases de dados: DEDALUS, LILACS, MEDLINE e Scielo, tendo como base os períodos de 1995-2008. Conclui-se que, ainda hoje, existem poucas ações que visam à melhora da qualidade de vida no trabalho. Deve-se diminuir a distância entre o discurso e a prática, para que ações e/ou programas de QVT não sejam apenas mais um modismo e não venha a desaparecer diante da primeira dificuldade a ser enfrentada.
The promotion of Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs has become the way it is possible to develop and maintain motivation and commitment of workers, resulting in numerous benefits. However, each program must have a direction, since each company has its specificity. This study aimed to expose possible actions and programs for improving QWL in order to improve worker health and gain business. It was conducted a study of narrative review of available knowledge in the literature, consultation with the following databases: DEDALUS, LILACS, MEDLINE and Scielo, based on the periods of 1995-2008. Was conclude that, even today, there are few actions that aim to improve the quality of work life. It should reduce the gap between rhetoric and practice, so that actions and / or QWL programs are not just another fad and will not disappear before the first difficulty to be faced.
The promotion of Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs has become the way it is possible to develop and maintain motivation and commitment of workers, resulting in numerous benefits. However, each program must have a direction, since each company has its specificity. This study aimed to expose possible actions and programs for improving QWL in order to improve worker health and gain business. It was conducted a study of narrative review of available knowledge in the literature, consultation with the following databases: DEDALUS, LILACS, MEDLINE and Scielo, based on the periods of 1995-2008. Was conclude that, even today, there are few actions that aim to improve the quality of work life. It should reduce the gap between rhetoric and practice, so that actions and / or QWL programs are not just another fad and will not disappear before the first difficulty to be faced.
Alves, E F 2011, 'Programas e ações em qualidade de vida no trabalho: possibilidades e limites das organizações', Revista Eletrônica Fafit/Facic.