Perfil dos acidentes de trabalho no Brasil, 2004-2007
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Universidade Cesumar - UniCesumar
Neste estudo sintetizam-se achados epidemiológicos de morbi- mortalidade decorrentes de acidentes de trabalho napopulação brasileira. O objetivo do estudo é descrever o perfil dos acidentes de trabalho no Brasil entre 2004 e 2007. Trata-se de um estudo descritivoexploratório utilizando como fonte de dados a estatística anual de acidentes do trabalho da Previdência Social. Foram notificados 465.700 mil acidentesem 2004 e 653.090 em 2007, mostrando uma tendência ascendente nos acidentes com trabalhadores formais no Brasil. Evidenciou-se que o estado de residência com maior acidentabilidade foi Santa Catarina com uma média de 577,3 acidentes para cada 100.000 trabalhadores. O aumento da participação feminina nos acidentes de trabalho se manteve estável comparado a pesquisas realizadas anteriormente. A maior parte dos acidentes, independente do sexo, ocorreu com trabalhadores entre 20 e 39 anos. Os acidentes típicos continuam superando os casos com 83,8% dos acidentes de trabalho no Brasil. Em relação aos setores de atividade econômica, a maior proporção de acidentes encontrou-se no setor de Serviços (50,1%), seguido do setor Transformação (36,4%). Os acidentes liquidados por incapacidade temporária perfez 32,8% e o número anual de morte por acidentes de trabalho foi de 2.800 trabalhadores. Esses dados chamam a atenção para a necessidade de divulgação permanente dessas informações, a fim de sensibilizar as organizações públicas e privadas envolvidas na área da saúde ocupacional.
Current research synthesizes epidemiological data on morbomortality by labor accidents in the Brazilian population and gives a crosssection of these accidents in Brazil between 2004 and 2007. Current descriptive and exploratory analysis uses databases of the Public Health Ministry on labor accidents. In fact, 465.700 and 653.090 labor accidents were notified respectively in 2004 and 2007, with a trend towards an increase in number. The state of Santa Catarina was the area in which most accidents occurred, with an average of 577.3 accidents per 100.000 workers. Increase in labor accidents involving female remained constant, when statistics of past surveys are compared. Regardless of gender, most accidents occurred with workers within the 20 - 39 year bracket. Typical accidents are higher than cases with 83.8% of labor accidents in Brazil. When sectors of economic activities are taken into consideration, accidents were preponderant in Services (50.1%), followed by the Transformation sector (36.4%). Accidents resulting in temporary incapac- ity for work reached 32.8%, whilst 2,800 workers died annually from labor accidents. Data show an urgent need for the permanent broadcasting of the above data so that public and private organizations involved in occupational health should take severe measures on the issue.
Current research synthesizes epidemiological data on morbomortality by labor accidents in the Brazilian population and gives a crosssection of these accidents in Brazil between 2004 and 2007. Current descriptive and exploratory analysis uses databases of the Public Health Ministry on labor accidents. In fact, 465.700 and 653.090 labor accidents were notified respectively in 2004 and 2007, with a trend towards an increase in number. The state of Santa Catarina was the area in which most accidents occurred, with an average of 577.3 accidents per 100.000 workers. Increase in labor accidents involving female remained constant, when statistics of past surveys are compared. Regardless of gender, most accidents occurred with workers within the 20 - 39 year bracket. Typical accidents are higher than cases with 83.8% of labor accidents in Brazil. When sectors of economic activities are taken into consideration, accidents were preponderant in Services (50.1%), followed by the Transformation sector (36.4%). Accidents resulting in temporary incapac- ity for work reached 32.8%, whilst 2,800 workers died annually from labor accidents. Data show an urgent need for the permanent broadcasting of the above data so that public and private organizations involved in occupational health should take severe measures on the issue.
Revista Saúde e Pesquisa
Alves, E F 2010, 'Perfil dos acidentes de trabalho no Brasil, 2004-2007', Revista Saúde e Pesquisa.