Análise com software webQDA: perspectiva dos professores na Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar a análise, com o uso do software webQDA, do processo ensino e aprendizagem na Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP), na perspectiva de professores de enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior do Brasil. A ABP é aplicada na Unidade Educacional Sistematizada (UES), que compõe várias atividades. A amostragem foi intencional, sendo entrevistados os professores das UES 1 e UES 2 do curso de enfermagem, no ano de 2017. No processamento dos dados trabalhou-se com o webQDA, ilustrando-se neste artigo o tema que aborda a implementação da UES na perspectiva da atividade de conferência. A aplicação do software operacionalizou os dados de forma criteriosa, sistematizada, reduzindo o tempo de codificação do material das entrevistas. Como limitação, pode-se pensar na formação dos pesquisadores acerca do alcance da dimensão que o software pode avançar em relação à análise e cruzamento dos dados, especialmente pelo volume de dados.
The objective of this essay was to present the analysis, using the webQDA software, of the teaching and learning process in Problem Based Learning (PBL), from the perspective of nursing teachers of a Higher Education Institution in Brazil. The PBL is applied in the Systematized Educational Unit (SEU), which composes several activities. The sampling was intentional, and teachers of the SEU 1 and SEU 2 of the nursing course were interviewed in 2017. In data processing we worked with the webQDA. Illustrating in this article the theme that addresses the SEU implementation in the perspective of the conference activity. The software’s application operationalized the data in a judicious, systematized way, reducing the coding time of the interview material. As a limitation, it is possible to think about the researchers’ training relating to the extent of the software can advance in relation to the analysis and crossreferencing of the data, especially by the volume of data.
The objective of this essay was to present the analysis, using the webQDA software, of the teaching and learning process in Problem Based Learning (PBL), from the perspective of nursing teachers of a Higher Education Institution in Brazil. The PBL is applied in the Systematized Educational Unit (SEU), which composes several activities. The sampling was intentional, and teachers of the SEU 1 and SEU 2 of the nursing course were interviewed in 2017. In data processing we worked with the webQDA. Illustrating in this article the theme that addresses the SEU implementation in the perspective of the conference activity. The software’s application operationalized the data in a judicious, systematized way, reducing the coding time of the interview material. As a limitation, it is possible to think about the researchers’ training relating to the extent of the software can advance in relation to the analysis and crossreferencing of the data, especially by the volume of data.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Alvares , F , Chirelli , M & Pio , D 2019 , ' Análise com software webQDA: perspectiva dos professores na Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação , vol. 44 , no. 44 , pp. 83 - 98 .