Be a teacher today. What do the teachers think of their abilities?
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
Na sociedade do conhecimento e na era da globalização as mudanças ocorrem a um ritmo vertiginoso, ditando novas necessidades nas mais diversas áreas. Na área da educação, os professores que outrora tinham como principal papel ensinar, são agora confrontados com novos papéis. Perante este desafio, o papel do professor, bem como as competências essenciais ao desempenho da actividade docente, numa sociedade complexa, heterogénea e flutuante nos valores, do século XXI, constituíram a temática de um estudo científico. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, mas também quantitativa, fundada em testemunhos de professores do 3º ciclo do ensino básico e do secundário de escolas do concelho de Almada(Portugal) recolhidos por meio de inquéritos, e tendo por base sobretudo o referencial teórico de Philippe Perrenoud, identificou-se as competências que o grupo de docentes julga essencial ao seu actual papel e analisou-se em que medida os mesmos assumem, nas suas actuações, essas mesmas competências, enquanto profissionais do ensino. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que os docentes privilegiam as competências relativas ao domínio pedagógico, tais como: «Envolver os Alunos na Aprendizagem e no seu Trabalho», «Organizar e Dirigir Situações de Aprendizagem» e «Administrar a Progressão das Aprendizagens». Por outro lado, confirmou-se a harmonia entre as competências que os docentes privilegiam como essenciais ao seu actual papel, e as competências que assumem no seu ofício de professor.
In the society of knowledge and in the age of the globalization the changes occur due to a vertiginous rhythm, dictating new needs in the most diverse areas. In the educational field, the teachers who, in the earlier times, had the main role of teaching, now are faced with new roles. In view of this challenge, the role of the teacher, as well as the essential abilities to the performance of the teaching activity, in a complex society, heterogeneous and floating in values, of the 21st Century, has constituted the thematic of a scientific study. Through a qualitative as well as quantitative study, based in the testimony of teachers of 3º cycle of the basic and the secondary education of schools of municipality of Almada, collected by means of inquiries, and based over all on the theoretical referential of Philippe Perrenoud, we identified the abilities that the group of professors find essential to its current role and analyzed which of them practice the same in their professions of education. The results of this study had evidenced that the teachers prefer the competences related to the pedagogical domain, such as: “To involve the students in the Learning Task and in the School Work”, “To organize and To direct Situations of Learning” and “To manage the Progression of the Learnings”. On the other hand, it was confirmed the harmony between the abilities that in theory the teachers prefer as essential to their current role and the abilities that assume in practice as teachers.
In the society of knowledge and in the age of the globalization the changes occur due to a vertiginous rhythm, dictating new needs in the most diverse areas. In the educational field, the teachers who, in the earlier times, had the main role of teaching, now are faced with new roles. In view of this challenge, the role of the teacher, as well as the essential abilities to the performance of the teaching activity, in a complex society, heterogeneous and floating in values, of the 21st Century, has constituted the thematic of a scientific study. Through a qualitative as well as quantitative study, based in the testimony of teachers of 3º cycle of the basic and the secondary education of schools of municipality of Almada, collected by means of inquiries, and based over all on the theoretical referential of Philippe Perrenoud, we identified the abilities that the group of professors find essential to its current role and analyzed which of them practice the same in their professions of education. The results of this study had evidenced that the teachers prefer the competences related to the pedagogical domain, such as: “To involve the students in the Learning Task and in the School Work”, “To organize and To direct Situations of Learning” and “To manage the Progression of the Learnings”. On the other hand, it was confirmed the harmony between the abilities that in theory the teachers prefer as essential to their current role and the abilities that assume in practice as teachers.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Conceição , C & Sousa , Ó C D 2012 , ' Be a teacher today. What do the teachers think of their abilities? ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação , no. 20 , pp. 81-98 .