Percepción de Blended Learning en profesores universitarios de distintos ámbitos disciplinares
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
O papel dos professores no processo de melhoria da eficácia e eficiência da integração de novas abordagens pedagógicas e do potencial oferecido pelos recursos tecnológicos é essencial para introduzir uma mudança substancial nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, no ensino superior. A partir desta ideia, o objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as experiências e percepções de professores universitários de diferentes áreas disciplinares (ramos do conhecimento) sobre a aceitação e adoção de metodologias baseadas em Blended Learning (BL). O trabalho empírico foi realizado seguindo um desenho metodológico misto do tipo derivativo sequencial de equivalência de status. As informações quantitativas foram coletadas com um questionário, elaborado ad hoc, com base no referencial teórico proposto pelos Modelos de Aceitação Tecnológica (TAM), respondido por 980 professores universitários; destes, 86 expressaram abertamente a sua opinião sobre estas metodologias, constituindo a parte qualitativa deste estudo. Os resultados mostram, a opinião dos professores participantes do estudo a respeito das fragilidades, ameaças, pontos fortes e oportunidades da educação B-learning.
The role of teachers in the process of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the integration of new pedagogical approaches and the potential offered by technological resources is essential to introduce a substantial change in teaching-learning processes, in higher education. Based on this idea, the objective of this study is to learn the experiences and perceptions of university teachers from different disciplinary areas (knowledge branches) about the acceptance and adoption of Blended Learning (BL) methodologies. The empirical work was carried out following a mixed methodological design of the sequential derivative type of equivalence of status. The quantitative information was collected with a questionnaire, elaborated ad hoc, based on the theoretical framework proposed by the Technological Acceptance Models (TAM), answered by 980 university teachers; of these, 86 expressed their opinion openly on these methodologies, constituting the qualitative part of this study. The results show the opinion of the teachers participating in the study regarding the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of B-learning education.
The role of teachers in the process of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the integration of new pedagogical approaches and the potential offered by technological resources is essential to introduce a substantial change in teaching-learning processes, in higher education. Based on this idea, the objective of this study is to learn the experiences and perceptions of university teachers from different disciplinary areas (knowledge branches) about the acceptance and adoption of Blended Learning (BL) methodologies. The empirical work was carried out following a mixed methodological design of the sequential derivative type of equivalence of status. The quantitative information was collected with a questionnaire, elaborated ad hoc, based on the theoretical framework proposed by the Technological Acceptance Models (TAM), answered by 980 university teachers; of these, 86 expressed their opinion openly on these methodologies, constituting the qualitative part of this study. The results show the opinion of the teachers participating in the study regarding the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of B-learning education.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Martín García , A , Sánchez Gómez , M C & Costa , A P 2019 , ' Percepción de Blended Learning en profesores universitarios de distintos ámbitos disciplinares ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação .