Actividade antioxidante do extracto de Matricaria chamomilla L. e eficácia clínica de formulações cosméticas contendo este extracto e seus compostos isolados
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
A aplicação tópica de antioxidantes provou ser eficaz em proteger a pele contra danos oxidativos. O extracto de Matricaria chamomilla L. tem sido amplamente utilizado em formulações cosméticas. Assim, o objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial antioxidante do extracto de camomila, bem como a eficácia clínica na hidratação e nas propriedades mecânicas da pele. A actividade antioxidante do extracto de camomila foi avaliada por quimioluminescência (IC50 = 0,14 ug / mL). As formulações foram suplementadas com a α -bisabolol de fração mássica 0,5 cg/g ou com extracto glicólico de Matricaria chamomilla L. de fração mássica 5,0 cg/g ou com 0,01 cg/g de apigenina e aplicados na parte interna do antebraço e na cara de 25 mulheres. A fisiologia da pele foi avaliada antes e após 2 horas (aplicação única) e 2 e 4 semanas de aplicação diária. Depois de uma única aplicação, todas as formulações aumentaram a água do estrato córneo, mas apenas as formulações com α -bisabolol e extracto de camomila reduziram a PTEA . A formulação com o extracto de camomila mostrou o resultado mais marcante na redução PTEA (27%). No entanto, após 2 - e 4- semanas de aplicação, apenas a formulação contendo o extracto aumentou o a água no estrato córneo. O extracto de camomila, foi eficaz na neutralização de radicais livres e, portanto, apresenta potencial em formulações cosméticas com este propósito.
Topical application of antioxidants has proven to be effective in protecting the skin against oxidative damage. Matricaria chamomilla L. extract has been used in cosmetic formulations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of chamomile extract as well as the clinical efficacy on skin hydration and mechanical properties of skin. The antioxidant activity of chamomile extract was evaluated by chemiluminescence (IC50 = 0.14 μg/mL). Stable formulations were supplemented with 0,5 cg/g α-bisabolol or cg/gwith 5,0 of Matricaria chamomile glycolic extract or with 0,01 cg/g of apigenin and applied on the volar forearm and face of 25 female subjects. Skin physiology was assessed before and after 2 hours (single application) and after a 2- and 4-week period of daily application. After a single application, all formulations increased the stratum corneum water content but only α-bisabolol and chamomile extract formulations reduced TEWL. The formulation with chamomile extract has shown the most pronounced result in the reduction of TEWL (27%). However, after 2- and 4-week application, only the extract formulation increased stratum corneum water content compared with the vehicle. Chamomile extract was effective in neutralizing free radicals and therefore presents an interesting potential in cosmetic formulations for this purpose.
Topical application of antioxidants has proven to be effective in protecting the skin against oxidative damage. Matricaria chamomilla L. extract has been used in cosmetic formulations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of chamomile extract as well as the clinical efficacy on skin hydration and mechanical properties of skin. The antioxidant activity of chamomile extract was evaluated by chemiluminescence (IC50 = 0.14 μg/mL). Stable formulations were supplemented with 0,5 cg/g α-bisabolol or cg/gwith 5,0 of Matricaria chamomile glycolic extract or with 0,01 cg/g of apigenin and applied on the volar forearm and face of 25 female subjects. Skin physiology was assessed before and after 2 hours (single application) and after a 2- and 4-week period of daily application. After a single application, all formulations increased the stratum corneum water content but only α-bisabolol and chamomile extract formulations reduced TEWL. The formulation with chamomile extract has shown the most pronounced result in the reduction of TEWL (27%). However, after 2- and 4-week application, only the extract formulation increased stratum corneum water content compared with the vehicle. Chamomile extract was effective in neutralizing free radicals and therefore presents an interesting potential in cosmetic formulations for this purpose.
Nóbrega , A T , Wagemaker , T A L & Campos , P M B G M 2014 , ' Actividade antioxidante do extracto de Matricaria chamomilla L. e eficácia clínica de formulações cosméticas contendo este extracto e seus compostos isolados ' , Biomedical and biopharmaceutical research : jornal de investigação biomédica e biofarmacêutica .