Formação e supervisão : o que move os professores?
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
A finalidade deste estudo é identificar que professores frequentam o Curso de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, com especialização em Supervisão. Interessa determinar o perfil desses professores, averiguar as suas percepções da supervisão, verificar o que os motiva a investirem na formação contínua e no desenvolvimento profissional e quais são os seus interesses, ao iniciar um segundo ciclo de estudos. Em contexto de formação especializada, foi concretizado um estudo de caso numa Universidade Portuguesa, com aplicação de metodologia mista, qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados mostram que os professores mais motivados, convencidos da utilidade do seu trabalho, procuram, na concretização de um segundo ciclo de estudos no Ensino Superior, uma jornada de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Interessa-lhes o aperfeiçoamento da praxis em interligação com theoretical inputs, através de uma reflexão estruturada, actualização científico-pedagógica, investigação em acção e consequente melhoria das práticas. O estudo evidencia o imperativo da formação docente para uma supervisão formativa e democrática, enquanto factor de mudança do processo educativo e da escola, entendida como comunidade supervisiva aprendente.
The goal of this study is to try to recognize the characteristics of teachers that attend a Master Course in Sciences of Education, in Supervision. It is important to determine the profile of those teachers, determine their perceptions on supervision, verify what motivates them to invest in continuous learning and in their professional development, and what their interests are when beginning a second cycle of studies. In the context of specialized formation, a case study in a Portuguese University was materialized by applying mixed methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. The results show that the teachers who are the most motivated, convinced of the need of their work, seek, by taking up a second cycle of studies in Higher Education, a journey of personal and professional development. They are interested in the improvement of the praxis in connection with theoretical inputs, through a structured reflexion, scientific-pedagogical update, investigation in action and a consequent improvement of practices. The study highlights the imperative of teacher’s continuous formation for a formative and democratic supervision, as a factor of change in the learning process and of the school as supervising learning community.
The goal of this study is to try to recognize the characteristics of teachers that attend a Master Course in Sciences of Education, in Supervision. It is important to determine the profile of those teachers, determine their perceptions on supervision, verify what motivates them to invest in continuous learning and in their professional development, and what their interests are when beginning a second cycle of studies. In the context of specialized formation, a case study in a Portuguese University was materialized by applying mixed methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. The results show that the teachers who are the most motivated, convinced of the need of their work, seek, by taking up a second cycle of studies in Higher Education, a journey of personal and professional development. They are interested in the improvement of the praxis in connection with theoretical inputs, through a structured reflexion, scientific-pedagogical update, investigation in action and a consequent improvement of practices. The study highlights the imperative of teacher’s continuous formation for a formative and democratic supervision, as a factor of change in the learning process and of the school as supervising learning community.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Coimbra , N T , Marques , A T & Martins , A M D O 2012 , ' Formação e supervisão : o que move os professores? ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação .