Estudo microbiológico de chuveiros de 10 praias da grande Lisboa e oeste de Portugal
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
Muitas bactérias patogénicas podem interferir no sistema de distribuição de água formando agregados de biofilme. Com o objetivo de monitorizar a qualidade microbiológica da água dos chuveiros de praia, recolheram-se 24 amostras de água, 12 em janeiro e fevereiro, e outras 12 em junho de 2013, em 10 praias ao logo da costa Lisboa-Carcavelos a Foz do Arelho. As amostras foram colhidas em frascos Esterilizados de 500 mL contendo tiossulfato. Paralelamente foram feitas zaragatoas dos mesmos pontos de colheita, com o meio de transporte Tween 20, e mantidas entre 2 ºC e 4ºC. Os parâmetros microbiológicos analisados para as águas foram: quantificação de microrganismos a 22 ºC e 37 ºC, contagem dos coliformes totais e Escherichia coli, de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, de Estreptococos fecais e de Estafilococos totais e Estafilococos coagulase-positiva. A partir das zaragatoas fez-se o isolamento dos microrganismos que cresceram no meio de Nutriente Agar, com o intuito de se determinar os mesmos parâmetros microbiológicos pesquisados na água dos chuveiros. No geral, a qualidade da água é adequada, o que não exclui a necessidade de monitorização constante dos chuveiros de praia. Tendo em conta que no 2.º período de recolha das amostras houve invasões de plâncton nalgumas destas praias estudadas e muitos banhistas apresentaram erupções alérgicas, os resultados deste estudo permitem recomendar que, após qualquer mergulho, os banhistas devem tomar sempre um duche de limpeza nos chuveiros das praias uma vez que foi evidenciada a sua segurança ao logo de toda a costa.
Many bacteria pathogenic to man can interfere in water distribution systems, forming aggregates that give rise to a complex structure called biofilm. In order to monitor the microbiological content of water from beach showers from ten sites along the coast from Lisboa-Carcavelos to Foz do Arelho beaches, 24 water samples were analyzed in 2013, 12 during January and February, and other 12 during June. The samples were collected in 500 mL sterile bottles with sodium thiosulfate. Biofilms were collected on swabs (at the same water sampling points) with transport medium Tween 20, and maintained between 2 ºC and 4 ° C, such as water samples. The following microbiological parameters were investigated for water samples: total microbial count at 22 ºC and 37 ºC, total coliforms and Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fecal streptococci, total Staphylococcus and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. The swabs lead to the isolation of the microorganisms grown on the nutrient agar medium, in order to determine the the same microbiological parameters investigated in water showers. Globally, the water quality was found to be suitable, but that does not rule out the need for constant monitoring of the beach showers. Taking into account that there have been reports of plankton invasions and allergic eruptions after bathing in some seaside spots near Lisboa, these study results prompt us to recommend that swimmers should always shower after bathing or diving since showerheads were found safe all over the coast.
Many bacteria pathogenic to man can interfere in water distribution systems, forming aggregates that give rise to a complex structure called biofilm. In order to monitor the microbiological content of water from beach showers from ten sites along the coast from Lisboa-Carcavelos to Foz do Arelho beaches, 24 water samples were analyzed in 2013, 12 during January and February, and other 12 during June. The samples were collected in 500 mL sterile bottles with sodium thiosulfate. Biofilms were collected on swabs (at the same water sampling points) with transport medium Tween 20, and maintained between 2 ºC and 4 ° C, such as water samples. The following microbiological parameters were investigated for water samples: total microbial count at 22 ºC and 37 ºC, total coliforms and Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fecal streptococci, total Staphylococcus and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. The swabs lead to the isolation of the microorganisms grown on the nutrient agar medium, in order to determine the the same microbiological parameters investigated in water showers. Globally, the water quality was found to be suitable, but that does not rule out the need for constant monitoring of the beach showers. Taking into account that there have been reports of plankton invasions and allergic eruptions after bathing in some seaside spots near Lisboa, these study results prompt us to recommend that swimmers should always shower after bathing or diving since showerheads were found safe all over the coast.
Costa , M D C , Oliveira , E , Pires , C , Moleiro , F , Capitia , V & Vida , M 2014 , ' Estudo microbiológico de chuveiros de 10 praias da grande Lisboa e oeste de Portugal ' , Biomedical and biopharmaceutical research : jornal de investigação biomédica e biofarmacêutica .