IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 3 (2012)
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Percorrer IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 3 (2012) por autor "Antunes, Ana Cristina"
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Item Diz-me porque Poupas, dir-te-ei como te comportas: uma análise das motivações e dos comportamentos de poupança em Portugal(ISG, 2012) Antunes, Ana Cristina; Calado, João Paulo ToméTraditionally, in Portugal was maintained a high level of savings, albeit this trend has become blurred in the last decade, due to several factors and a less favorable socio-economical situation. The present Portuguese socio-economic environment, marked by a crisis setting, demands a higher attention to savings behavior in order to stimulate it. Therefore, it is important to understand the key variables that are in its origin, either for economists as for policy makers. In this study, a sample of 835 Portuguese was used to research how saving motives are related to savings behaviour in Portugal. The results indicate that saving motives are interconnected with the financial management ability perception, with the household budget and with savings’ frequency of the households.