IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 3 (2012)
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Item SME innovation in Poland – policy and Institutional Environment(ISG, 2012) Slupinska, MonikaInnovation of Polish economy as assessed by international institutions (OECD, EU) is below the average for EU- 27 although one must note the progress from the group of catching up countries to that of moderate innovators (2010). Summary Innovation Index (SII) for Poland is lower than the average for all the EU member states but its growth rate is higher than the EU average. Monitoring of innovation indexes for Polish economy does not give a clear-cut picture of the progress made as changes follow different directions. Dynamics of innovation outlays is one among positive symptoms. Businesses operating in Poland allocate more and more resources for innovation. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) constitute the core of Polish economy. They represent 99.8% of all economic operators, employ 70.1% of the working population, generate 47.7% of the GDP and become increasingly active in innovation. When it comes to the latter one of its key conditioning factors are innovation policy pursued by the state and institutional environment. That environment consists of the network of training and advisory centres, technology transfer centres, incubators, technological parks and financial instruments that support enterprise and innovation. The main objective of the paper is to study the institutional environment and state policy as fundamental factors that impact the increase in SME innovation in Poland.Item A estratégia do sitio no suporte à estratégia e-canal(ISG, 2012) Ferrão, FranciscoThe success of an Internet site depends on a well-defined E-Channel Strategy. This is based on the Site Strategy which reflects the objectives of the site, on the target segments of existing and potential clients and on how value propositions can be built to satisfy their needs.Item A Internet e a comunicação no mercado outdoor. Análise dos websites das empresas de publicidade exterior em Portugal(ISG, 2012) Lopes, Paula Bela Rosa Luis; Varela, Miguel Nuno Abreu; Carrillo Durán, Maria Victoria; Rosario, FilipeThe object of the present research is to study a group of Outdoor Advertising companies in Portugal. The main goal of this research is to analyze the websites of these companies which have a website with information about the different kind of outdoors. The specific goal is to understand what kind of information is on the website and to which is focused. The methodology applied to this research consists of quantitative analysis and content analysis of the websites of Outdoor Advertising companies. As result of this research is possible to group the number of companies to each categories of outdoors. The major number of websites focused the communication to the localization of the outdoors in the different Portuguese cities.Item A comprehensive database for successful communication(ISG, 2012) Vieira, Nataliya Godinho Soaresonsidering globalization the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) becomes essential tool for providing information all over the world. The help of some online programmes is practically indispensable in certain services and areas where it is necessary to apply effective strategies to achieve specific goals in communication, overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, and avoid some misunderstandings that interfere with social interactions. This article presents a framework of theoretical and practical aspects related to the use of electronic corpora; demonstrates how the application of monolingual and bilingual corpora involve in the contact with authentic language use that helps to improve the level of language proficiency and achieve successful communication.Item O espectáculo e o drama televisivo – uma abordagem sobre a informação televisiva portuguesa(ISG, 2012) Brandão, Nuno Goulart; Morais, InêsThe power that television takes today in society is undeniable. It surrounds us and determines our perception of reality, giving us the feel of everything that is happening in the world in real time. However, the dimension of the entertainment and drama marked on its content has been taking place in the grid of portuguese television programming in recent years, leading us to reflect on the impact this has on information. Then, and revealing a huge tendency for exploiting the viewer’s feelings in favor of high audience measurement, we must consider what effect does that have on society and how should be considered the journalist facing this context.Item The missing link between CSR and marketing: sustainability marketing(ISG, 2012) Pedrosa, Maria ManuelaSustainable lifestyles are at the heart of the solution for solving the complex environmental and social problems we are facing. The corporate world has a crucial role to play in this realm, yet despite some exceptions, convincing business to do the shift of paradigm from a purely economic growth model to a more sustainable paradigm has failed until now. Although marketing plays a major role in promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns, conventional marketing practices persist. This paper examines the fundamental reasons for the established economics and proposes a new kind of marketing for creating a more sustainable society. The paper begins with an overview of the current economic growth model in society, giving particular attention to the consequences of overproduction and overconsumption and to the sustainability issues of mainstream marketing. The second part examines the current state of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the fundamental gap of coherence between CSR and marketing. The last part of the paper identifies sustainability marketing as a new orientation to help businesses successfully tackle environmental and social problems.Item Estratégias baseadas na arquitectura e processo de compra das marcas estudo de caso: relação entre a identidade e a imagem da marca AXA(2012) Brandão, Nuno Goulart; Cordeiro, Ana RitaToday, we live in a society characterized by hyper, where customers are increasingly demanding. For, having at their disposal a very diverse offering of products and brands, where access to information is plentiful, customers do not relate to the brands they do but by what they mean. For businesses it is imperative to build a brand that result in lasting relationships with consumers, enabling brands to gain competitive advantages. Considering that a mark can only be assumed by their identity, arises the need to create a system that handles the brand values it receives for the differentiation necessary to become distinct. This research aims to assess the relationship between identity and brand image AXA, since despite being distinct concepts are themselves complementary.Item Comunicação organizacional: implicações da comunicação downward e do feedback no engagment(ISG, 2012) Sampayo, Marta Mello; Silva, Sílvia Costa AgostinhoThis article aims to contribute to understanding the impacts of organizational communication in terms of quality of downward information, communication channels and feedback on work engagement. The literature reveals that the mobilization of employees through a greater involvement with the organization and the work contributes to a better organizational and individual performance. One way of achieving this mobilization is achieved by improving communication, making it easier for employees to understand the objectives of the organization and believe in their contribution to reach them. In this context this article focuses on the existing literature in this area and contributes to an understanding of downward communication and feedback emphasizing its effects on organizational involvement (voice) and promoting a greater connection to the organization and employees to work (engagement). This is of particular relevance since the implementation of research in this area will allow the implementation of programs to improve communication with impact for organizations and individuals to improve their performance and quality of life.Item Diz-me porque Poupas, dir-te-ei como te comportas: uma análise das motivações e dos comportamentos de poupança em Portugal(ISG, 2012) Antunes, Ana Cristina; Calado, João Paulo ToméTraditionally, in Portugal was maintained a high level of savings, albeit this trend has become blurred in the last decade, due to several factors and a less favorable socio-economical situation. The present Portuguese socio-economic environment, marked by a crisis setting, demands a higher attention to savings behavior in order to stimulate it. Therefore, it is important to understand the key variables that are in its origin, either for economists as for policy makers. In this study, a sample of 835 Portuguese was used to research how saving motives are related to savings behaviour in Portugal. The results indicate that saving motives are interconnected with the financial management ability perception, with the household budget and with savings’ frequency of the households.Item A identidade e a imagem das relações públicas em Portugal(ISG, 2012) Gonçalves, GiselaPublic Relations industry in Portugal has been expanding in recent years. As public relations has matured as a profession questions related to the ethical and social impact of its activities must inevitably follow. This article examines the identity of public relations from the confrontation between two opposing theoretical perspectives on its role in society – the symmetrical view and the critical view. Through a qualitative study of public relations professional codes and media image of public relations activities in Portugal it is aimed to understand how these two theoretical perspectives show up in empirical reality. On the one hand, ethical codes appeals to “best practices” in the profession and emphasizes “truth, dialogue and the public interest” as core values of public relations. On the other hand, after a content analysis in 2004-2008 Portuguese newspapers it can be noticed that public relations has long been a popular target for criticism and widely connoted as soft propaganda and public opinion manipulation. Facing the paradox, the objective of this article is to argue that public relations professional legitimacy is closely linked to the defense and construction of an ethical identity in the public sphere.Item Diversity management as one of solutions for problems caused by demographic and social development in European Union (with focus on Slovak Republic)(ISG, 2012) Lancaric, Drahoslav; Savov, Radovan; Cheben, JurajArticle refers to the problemacy of the chosen aspects of demographic and social development in European Union with focus on development in Slovak Republic. Conclusions of above listed themes are used as a base for brief analysis of the situation at the labour market. The last part of the article deals with diversity management as one of the possible solutions of present as well as future labour market situation.Item The key role of european institutions in the bargaining process of the european energy market(ISG, 2012) Armada, FernandoIn this paper we focus our attention on the bargaining process of the third energy package. This process of negotiation took place between the first months of 2007 and mid 2009 and was promoted by the European Commission for the purpose of going forward in the liberalization and integration of European energy markets. We wish to find the conditions under which the third energy package was finally approved, and we propose that better coordination between some relevant actors favoured the position of those supporting the proposed reform. In order to reach our goals we identify the relevant actors, discuss its strategic alternatives, the outcomes related to its strategic combinations and finally we mention the actors’ preferences over possible outcomes.Item O marketing relacional sob a perceção do cliente no contexto do ensino superior: estudo exploratório(ISG, 2012) Filipe, Sandra; Barbosa, MariaThe aim of the present research is to identify the factors that lead to a satisfactory relationship between the customer and the organization in the context of Higher Education. In order to evaluate customer loyalty a questionnaire was applied to the students in the last year of Undergraduate Studies at the Aveiro University in Portugal. The answers to the interviews were analyzed using the textual content analysis.Item O poder da assessoria de imprensa na saúde em portugal: organizações, protagonistas e técnicas entre 2008-2010(ISG, 2012) Ruão, Teresa; Lopes, FelisbelaMedia relations is a classic area in Public Relations. In the health sector, it is an essential tool to promote public health policies and to produce quality information to the general population. However, in Portugal, the conditions for the production of health information are controversial and there is a widespread feeling of dissatisfaction over matters of great ethical sensibility. In order to enlighten this debate, a group of researchers at the University of Minho has been developing a systematic study on the health news coverage in Portugal, since 2008 (Project “Disease in the News”, FCT). This paper is a longitudinal study on the press officers’ activities as health information sources in Portugal. The study was based on a systematic analysis of three newspapers, between 2008 and 2010, gathering 4 415 news articles. Then, the research was carried on in two stages: (1st) we tried to find out who are the sources of information in health news?; and (2nd) we looked to reveal how they became news sources? –, in order to answer our initial concern: what is the press officer’s role on the news coverage on health in Portugal?Item How easy is making trade across borders? A comparasion between Korea and Turkey(ISG, 2012) Sen-Tasbasi, AsliEach economy has its unique circumstances that require numerous variables to take into consideration for a sound comparative analysis. Comparing Korean and Turkish economies in particular demonstrate the importance of trade policy differentials. Both countries have followed restrictive trade policies during the 1950s and started the planning development strategy during early 1960s. However, they ended up with different trade openness and economic development levels by the 1990s. Korea shifted from import substitution to export promotion in the early l960s, while Turkey continued the import substitution policy until 1980. This study is a snapshot comparison between Korean and Turkish economies in terms of how easily each one trades with the rest of the world today, taking into account trade regulation indicators such as number of documents, time and cost required to export and import. Using the World Bank’s Trading Across Borders data, we find that procedures necessary to export and import seem in favour of Korea with respect to Turkey both in terms of duration and cost subcategories.Item Integrating CSR in the SMEs strategies(ISG, 2012) Chirlesan, DanCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was long viewed as a costly or charitable measure on the shortrun but now it is an asset worth having on the long-run. Having investigated the origins, current status and trends of the CSR concept, we could state that, despite being a relative recent practice, CSR has been implemented worldwide at a stunning velocity. The business environment considers it a “must-have” in the company’s strategy in order to succeed. In the last few years, we noticed that, for the first time, large firms are not anymore in the spot light of public’s attention and government’s actions when promoting CSR as a strategic key element. It seems like the majority group of SMEs get almost all the attention, given their specific organizational and company culture as well as the restrictions applied to them by the economic environment. This paper aims at highlighting the core meaning, the advantages and the direction of specific practices regarding CSR in a company in general, and more specific in SMEs. Moreover, the paper analyses the extent of the integration process of this key-element in the Romanian SMEs.Item Situação jurídica laboral – notas para a definição de um paradigma(ISG, 2012) Mello, Alberto de Sá eAccording to the traditional legal doctrine, the “labour situation” is said to be based on a correlation between the worker and the employer, founded on an individual contract. This notion is insufficient to explain the current concept that sees the employee as a nuclear piece of the modern employer’s organisation.Item Competitividade proactiva- contribuição para um modelo explicativo(ISG, 2012) Dias, Álvaro Lopes; Silva, Samuel; Baptista, Sérgio; Rosa, SérgioThe context of globalization and continuous change in which we move, is generating new opportunities and threats and puts the ability to compete as one of the main requirements for the development of enterprises and economies in general. Apart from issues related to building competitiveness, is also the fundamental importance of sustainability in a longitudinal perspective, given the breathtaking speed at which change occurs. This article attempts to develop an emerging concept of competitiveness, identified as proactive competitiveness, we present two dynamic capabilities supported in the first level, market orientation capabilities and information technology on the logic of competitive intelligence, whose operation, allows to obtain performance excellence of the organization, and investigates the hypotheses of relationship of those dynamic capabilities with three second-level skills: Coopetitiveness (competitive cooperation), Human Capital and Knowledge Management, identified as sources of learning organization and its ability to reconfigure and adapt continuously their resources and competencies to each context.Item ‘Economia verde’ e desenvolvimento territorial sustentável: opções estratégicas para portugal(ISG, 2012) Oliveira, Nuno Gaspar; Jerónimo, WinstonThe concept of 'Green Economy' rises from the human challenge of creating a fairer, balanced and sustainable improvement of human welfare and social equality, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcity. So, what is 'Green Economy'? And will it require major social and political changes? Do we have the necessary tools to promote, monitor, assess a ‘Green Economy’? What are the risks regarding social and economic costs generated by recurring patterns of overuse of natural resources and the deregulation of ecosystem services? Can we make systematic transition, using ecological economics and technological adaptation? Portugal is a country with historically great potential in agriculture, forestry, marine and tourism, will it be ready to accept and foster the innovation necessary for a 'Green Economy' transition? Is it possible to monitor the transition of the economic and territorial planning instruments at the political and strategic level? Will the current national strategic plans for sustainable development (ESDS), nature conservation and biodiversity (ENCNB) and planning (PNPOT), along with other strategic plans, development plans, action plans and many other plans, strategies and instruments follow and foster the change? The aim of this paper is to explore a conceptual basis for monitoring the development of the theme of 'Green Economy' and its importance regarding the mechanisms and instruments of policy and planning, starting from an initial exploratory analysis of the intersection of the main instruments of development (ideally, sustainable) which is based on the national management of natural capital and examine how they can meet the challenges of 'Green Economy'.Item Does Portugal need a set of sustainability indicators for its tourism?(ISG, 2012) Stilwell, Diogo Campos de Carvalho; Abreu, António DomingosTourism was considered for a long time, a non-polluting industry, the so-called “industry without chimneys”. However, as the world’s population increased and technological developments allowed for more frequent travel, tourism grew and began to generate significant impacts, whether social, environmental or economic. Sustainability is therefore a key factor in current and future tourism development and rather than an abstract concept, it must be measurable. Considering that sustainable tourism is a truly unrealistic objective for the foreseeable future, a more realistic target would be monitoring the performance of tourism and its trends through sustainability indicators. Although difficult to define, indicators assume a priority role as instruments. Even considering that they are uncertain and imperfect models of the reality and are made of compromises among various factors such as relevance or scientific validity, they are still robust tools that promote sustainability. Due to the current crisis, the Portuguese tourism sector is having an increasing importance in the economic development.