IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 4 (2013)
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Percorrer IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 4 (2013) por assunto "CRESCIMENTO ECONÓMICO"
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Item Human development and economic growth as determinants of OECD country's competitiveness(CIGEST, 2013) Valovská, ZlataThe competitiveness is often accentuated and its definition in the economic literature review depends on the object. It is evident, that an ability to succeed in the international market is influenced by several factors. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a multidimensional approach to the investigation of a country´s competitiveness and comparing their international position in a competitive ranking. The paper focuses on verification of measured impact of economic growth and also human development of OECD countries on their competitiveness and on the ability to be successful in economic competition. Multivariate classification of OECD countries according selected indicators confirmed a positive relationship between the human development of OECD countries and their competitiveness in the world market. However, the significant impact of economic growth was not confirmed.