IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 5 (2014)
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Percorrer IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 5 (2014) por assunto "DESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL"
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Item Community foundation as a factor of the local development (focus on slovak republic)(CIGEST, 2014) Poliak, LadislavIssue of local development is nowadays very relevant. According to the customary perception in the post-socialistic countries, the local development should be ensured primarily by municipalities. Over time, under the influence of various factors, there has been a change of paradigm. One of alternative initiators and implementers of development processes on local level is community foundation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of community foundations in the field of local development. Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of community foundations are analysed. The study provides empirical findings of own research in the field of community foundations in conditions of Slovak republic. The data set was obtained primarily from the questionnaire survey, as well as from own analysis of annual reports and financial statements of community foundations, existing in Slovakia.