IBER : International Business and Economics Review : Revista Internacional de Gestão e Comunicação, nº 5 (2014)

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    Hierarquia e ansiedade de status nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação
    (CIGEST, 2014) Silva, Nuno Henrique Santos Da; Ramos, Casimiro Francisco
    Since 200 years ago the west has experienced the most drastic improvement in living standards in human history, recently marked by the fast development of globalization. However remains a latent fear of deprivation called status anxiety. In this context the aim of this paper is to characterize and correlate the status hierarchy and anxiety in the sector of information and communication technologies (ICT). With a consistency of a = 0,688, a confidence level of 95%, and a margin of error of 7,4%, it was found that ICT employees respondents are young men with higher education; they are ambitious, wish success and give importance to professional achievements; they covet prestige, honor and power and compare professional successes; for them compensation is as a result of that success, and don’t want to enrich that way; they would feel frustrated and humiliated if they were not successful, and they wish to move up in the status order of their workplace.
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    Network communication as a way of participation and involvement of employees in organizations - case study: the intranet of Turismo de Portugal, IP
    (CIGEST, 2014) Brandão, Nuno Goulart; Morais, Inês
    ICTs (Information and Communications Technology) have allowed simplicity, speed and originality when communicating ‘with the inside’ of the organization, innovating and modernizing the practice of internal communication. Intranet is a good example of this, as it has the ability to connect individuals, place them in the network, bring them closer and allow them to interact with each other, which is vital for healthy internal dynamics. It is this paper’s goal to explore the significance of Turismo de Portugal, I.P.’s Intranet for its collaborators, by analyzing if it is answering their needs and expectations and if it promotes their participations and involvement in common organizational dynamics.
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    Personal advisors for business professionals: improving communication skills with online corpora
    (CIGEST, 2014) Vieira, Nataliya Godinho Soares
    The business sphere is a multilingual world where foreign language communication skills are crucial in international relations. It makes employers look for business professionals who have a high level of linguistic competences. Language proficiency increases the chances of negotiation among partners. There are mainly two obstacles that make barriers in formal communication in a foreign language: lack of knowledge of specific linguistic structures or terminology and frequent transitions from one language to another. This paper contributes to the quest for quick access to a wide range of English, Spanish and Russian online databases that provide authentic language samples. Their application may improve communication skills and facilitate preparation for business discourse.
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    Events role in marketing and communication management
    (CIGEST, 2014) Varela, Miguel; Lopes, Paula Bela Rosa Luis; Ramalhoto, Filomena
    This article aims to analyse the importance of the event as an integrated tool in communication and marketing. The literature review stresses the importance of business management as a way to guide a company in order to produce and which has the support of the Marketing to perform the management of the product / service as well as to help communicate. Under the various communication tools the researchers highlight the events as a way to divulge the companies and the brands to their different stakeholders.
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    Community foundation as a factor of the local development (focus on slovak republic)
    (CIGEST, 2014) Poliak, Ladislav
    Issue of local development is nowadays very relevant. According to the customary perception in the post-socialistic countries, the local development should be ensured primarily by municipalities. Over time, under the influence of various factors, there has been a change of paradigm. One of alternative initiators and implementers of development processes on local level is community foundation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of community foundations in the field of local development. Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of community foundations are analysed. The study provides empirical findings of own research in the field of community foundations in conditions of Slovak republic. The data set was obtained primarily from the questionnaire survey, as well as from own analysis of annual reports and financial statements of community foundations, existing in Slovakia.
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    Investigating geoengineering solutions to meet the 2ºc target
    (CIGEST, 2014) Iglesias Suarez, Fernando
    The international community have adopted a global warming limit of 2ºC or below relative pre-industrial levels as a goal for mitigation efforts to avoid dangerous climate risks. Attempts of deliberate large-scale intervention of the environment to moderate global warming, the so-called geoengineering, have been proposed as complementary solution due to the significant probabilities of exceeding the target. Furthermore, the warming relative to a specified greenhouse gas emissions are not well constraint currently owing to uncertainties in the climate response and the carbon cycle. This research uses a simple climate model to quantify the degree of geoengineering intervention that might be required to meet the 2ºC target under the ‘representative concentration pathways’ (RCP) emission scenarios, and to probabilistically assess the different combined strategies resulted. The results show that deploying carbon dioxide removal options to neutralise the cumulative emissions under RCP3-PD (~400 PgC), global surface temperature could be restored to pre-industrial levels by approximately 2500. Removing 1200, 800, 400, and 0 PgC from the atmosphere might require a reduction in the solar constant from 0.7% to 0.99% for RCP45, and from 1.55% to 2.23% for RCP6. The different strategies leave from 56.6% to 78.8% of probability (90% probability interval) to avoid exceeding the 2ºC limit. Substantial amounts of research is needed into geoengineering, particularly the climate response to those activities that counteract the radiative forcing imbalance by reducing the solar constant.
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    Acciones no convencionales de la publicidad exterior : aproximación teórica a una terminología
    (CIGEST, 2014) Breva Franch, Eva; Balado Albiol, Consuelo
    Outdoor advertising is experiencing times of change, where traditional media coexist with the most innovative and creative actions, supported in many cases by the incorporation of new technologies. These actions arise from the need to impact a public hyper connected and saturated, and are the result of adapting the environment to this new reality. The external environment is privileged to accompany the individual out of his private life, in moments of socialization and development both personally and professionally, for this reason, it is necessary to know how you can capture the attention of the consumer to the marks form part of their daily lives. Thus, this research seeks to order ideas about these unconventional measures in order to lay a foundation to help identify them to work at both industry and research or based on experience, study and observation of the environment review of literature, mostly articles, that somehow or another contribute to the topic.
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    O papel do guia intérprete no turismo de lisboa
    (CIGEST, 2014) Canário, Dória Cristina Correia; Sarmento, Eduardo Morais; Oliveira, Carla Vargas de
    Este artigo pretende reflectir sobre a profissão do Guia Intérprete nacional, uma profissão tão válida e simultaneamente "desconhecida e pouco considerada socialmente" (Caetano, 2009:6), apesar da sua importância como agente dinamizador da animação cultural e turística. Apesar da existência de um elevado número de Guias Intérpretes em Portugal, um número apreciável de pessoas desconhecem as suas atribuições. É frequente acreditar que este tipo de profissional é utilizado fundamentalmente para "ir buscar pessoas ao aeroporto e dar uma volta pela cidade, mostrando-lhes os monumentos mais significativos" (Oliveira & Cymbron, 1994: 83). Aplicaram-se diversos inquéritos aos Guias Intérpretes na cidade de Lisboa, no sentido de verificar o seu perfil, as suas pretensões e os seus receios numa classe em que todos se referem como sendo os "embaixadores" de Portugal.
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    What the tourism industry can learn from travel and historical writing
    (CIGEST, 2014) Martins, Cecilia Beecher; Braz, John; Fonseca, Diana; Maia, Ana Clara
    The success of commercial activities often depends on the capacity to understand and accommodate unknown others coming from different social and cultural backgrounds. This is particularly true in the tourism industry. However, though this may appear a simple exercise,as Casey Blanton and Brigitt Flohr demonstrate in Travel Writing: The Self and the World (1997) and “Representations of the Self and the Other in Eighteenth-Century Travel Literature” (1999) this is not always easy, requiring preparation on the part of all involved as one is rarely neutral when encountering hitherto unknown others. Nonetheless, as Martin Page demonstrates in The First Global Village (2002), natural bias can be overcome and this is beneficial to all parties. In this essay, we will look closely at Page’s construction and representation of the Portuguese other found through the author’s contact with the Portuguese and his research into their history. We will also question if the controversy associated with The First Global Village is not due to the fact that the book breaks the rules of literary genre thus disconcerting readers; implying that innate bias is associated with all hitherto unknown others, whether these be individuals or literary objects.
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    How do we value what we see on tv? : television's consumption and the cultivation of materialism in Romania
    (CIGEST, 2014) Zait, Adriana; Mihalache, Carmen-Monica
    Studies have shown that the more people watch television, the higher are their estimates of certain portrayed beliefs and values, one of which is materialism. The present article aims to show if and how television and other media channels might shape materialistic values, having in mind the theories of cultivation and social cognition, testing a possible connection between television consumption and materialism. Also, we were interested in finding out if there are different characterizations of materialistic value, specific to Romanians, considering socio-demographical variables. The research methodology included an exploratory research and a quantitative one – survey on a sample of 407 persons. We used Richins’ scales of materialism, for the first time in Romania, testing them in this cultural specific context in order to have a mutual, common base in comparing values.
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    Analysis of the preparation of commercial negotiations of fast-moving consumer goods companies in Portugal 
    (CIGEST, 2014) Falcão, Pedro Fontes; Reis, Carlos
    The current business environment is characterized by globalization, technological development, strong competition, plus the growing need to identify opportunities and optimize resources. To succeed in this context, organizations require their executives to have excellent management skills particularly in the area of negotiation. There is a broad consensus in the scientific community about the importance of preparing for the negotiations as an essential step in determining a successful outcome (Thompson, 2008; Lewiki, Saunders & Minton, 1999; Ury, 1991; Kennedy, Benson & McMillan, 1986). This work aims to examine how executives of fast-moving consumer goods companies in Portugal prepare their commercial negotiations, and to identify differences that may exist between national and multinational companies. This study was based on literature research and on personal interviews conducted in 22 companies that altogether have a total turnover of approximately 3 billion euros, which is very representative of the large consumer goods sector in Portugal. The main conclusion of the study is that there are several areas of possible and desirable improvement, both in the evaluation of each of the parties and the circumstances in which negotiation takes place, as well as in their strategic and tactical planning.
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    How to be successfull in concluding master's degree: a tridimensional model to mesure success requisites
    (CIGEST, 2014) Costa, Sacramento
    This research aims to identify the profile of the student and conditions of his engagement with the school and of the school with the student in order to be well succeeded in concluding the master’s degree. It is based on the literature review of this problem in its multiple dimensions. It was constructed a three-dimensional model of analysis of the enrolled students, in a case of one institute provider of this type of education. In this part I of the study was established the profile of the student initiating the course. In a part II that will be carried out next year over the same population of students the expectable correlations between this three-dimensional profile and the success established in four hypotheses will be investigated. Then we hope to have evidences on what makes the difference to a student and to a university in achieving success um concluding master´s degree.
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    Democratic role of lobby
    (CIGEST, 2014) Piedra Giménez, Álvaro
    In the current democratic system, communication is needed between political institutions and society, so that citizens do not feel displaced of the democratic process. One tool that makes connections between these two groups is the lobby, a public relations tool with which organizations, private or public, try to make positively influence to the political power and the legislative process. Therefore, the lobby has become a form of freedom of speech that promotes democracy. Even so, it still has a bad reputation among European society, which often relate to the influence peddling and corruption. To improve its image is necessary to regulate this activity. USA, unlike most European countries, has legislation about lobby activity. Meanwhile, the European Union published in 2005 the Green Paper, which gave some indications to support the transparency of this activity. To regulate lobby, the European Commission established a register of lobbyists and acceptance of a code of conduct on which activities were appropriate or not. Thus, ensuring the transparency of the lobby.
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    Responsible lobbying 
    (CIGEST, 2014) Stoica, Ana-Maria
    The paper intends to interrogate the theoretical corpus of lobbying in order to determinate a structural and standard managerial model of a responsible lobbying that could be applied by the companies within their communication strategy. First of all we define lobby in a three dimensional perspective having as main key players the public, the European Institutions and the companies. We therefore succeed to compare inside and outside vision, in a European Context. Secondly, we question lobbying as a communication instrument and socially responsible practice: environment, implementation. The case study – Japan Tabaco International with the campaign: The introduction of the minimum price for cigarettes in Romania, presents a specific framework to analyze the process of lobbying within the company, on a specific case, but also to propose a model that could integrate lobbying as a part of the general strategy of the company. As main aspects we have the implementation of the campaign: tactics, types of action, integration in the European context, the main actors (publics), the role of civil society, the company type, the role of communication, the strategic approach and the ethical aspects. A correct practice of lobbying integrated in the general strategy can lead to a desirable structure of the private sector: citizenship of the companies. 
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    Lobbying in a european perspective 
    (CIGEST, 2014) Handelmann, Carina
    Although the importance of lobbying has grown in recent years there are a number of challenges in terms of reputation (i.e. ethical considerations), regulation and strategic approaches. The Eurozone crisis and new societal agendas impact on the legitimacy of lobbying both as a practice and profession and that is why concepts such as transparency and trust have to be explored carefully. This paper sets out to provide an evaluation of lobbying in the EU through combining practical insights with academic research.
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    The regular process of legislation in the eu, the lobbying and the transparency
    (CIGEST, 2014) Alba Moreno, Germán
    This article examines the process of co-decision in the European Union. The aim is to relate the modified procedure after the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 with the ultimate purpose to increase transparency in the legislative process in the European Union level. Also examines the important role played by the lobbyists in this whole political framework.