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    Relational and sexual satisfaction during military deployment: a comparative study
    (2021-09) Esteves, Higino; Beato, Ana; Santos, Renato
    Military deployments in International Military Missions are a frequent reality for the Portuguese (PRT) military members. Despite the increasing number of researches on post deployment adjustment of military couples, gaps remain on studies focused on the periods of the deployment, namely during the period of physical/geographical separation. In particular, the impact of these missions in couple's adjustment on communication and on both romantic and sexual satisfaction have been poorly studied with this population (Barbudo, Francisco & Santos, 2014). The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to compare the investment on relationship and the satisfaction with communication, with sexuality and with relationship between a group of Portuguese Military service members during their long-term deployment in International Military Missions and a group of similar soldiers that work in their hometowns.
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    Sexual sensation-seeking, hypersexuality, and risky sexual behaviors between adults with and without ADHD symptoms
    (2021) Vandewalle, Márcia; Beato, Ana
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by disabling levels of inattention, disorganization and/or hyperactivityimpulsivity that may interfere in diverse areas of functioning across various stages of the human development. Impulsivity emerges as an important longterm symptom in ADHD – having a strong genetic basis with evidence of altered reward processing and dopaminergic dysfunction – and may increase sexual risk behavior during adulthood [1,2]. Although some studies have shown adolescents with ADHD to exhibit more sexual risk behavior and higher levels of sensationseeking and impulsivity, a lack of similar studies in the adult population exists The objective of this study was to compare sexual sensation seeking, hypersexuality and sexual risk behaviors in adults with and without symptoms of ADHD.
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    Busca de sensações sexuais, hipersexualidade e comportamentos de risco sexuais em adultos com e sem sintomas de PHDA
    (2021) Vandewalle, Márcia; Beato, Ana
    A Perturbação de Hiperatividade com Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é uma perturbação do neurodesenvolvimento definida por níveis incapacitantes de desatenção, desorganização e/ou hiperatividade-impulsividade que pode interferir em diversas áreas de funcionamento em várias fases do desenvolvimento humano. A impulsividade surge como um sintoma importante a longo prazo na PHDA - possuindo uma forte base genética com evidências de alteração no processamento de recompensas e disfunção dopaminérgica – que pode aumentar os comportamentos de risco sexuais durante a idade adulta [1,2]. Embora alguns estudos tenham demostrado que adolescentes com PHDA exibem mais comportamentos de risco sexuais e níveis mais altos de busca de sensação e impulsividade, existe uma falta de estudos semelhantes na população adulta. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os níveis de busca de sensações sexuais, de hipersexualidade e de comportamentos de risco sexuais em adultos com e sem características de PHDA.
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    Relational and sexual satisfaction during military deployment : a comparative study
    (2021) Esteves, Higino; Beato, Ana; Santos, Renato
    Objective: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to compare the investment on relationship and the satisfaction with communication, with sexuality and with relationship between a group of Portuguese Military service members during their long term deployment in International Military Missions and a group of similar soldiers that work in their home country. Design and Method: Participants in Long Distance Relationships (LDR, n=172) were Portuguese military members deployed in Afghanistan (n=72), Central-African Republic (n=86) and São Tomé and Príncipe (n=15). The ones that were inGeographically Close Relationships(GCR, n=256) were a Portuguese military members on normal duty in different Military Units and Bases in Portuguese Territory. All voluntary participants were in a romantic relationship and completed an online survey, that included The Investment Model Scale (Rodrigues & Lopes, 2013) and the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (Pechorro et al., 2014). LDR and GCR data was collected simultaneously, i.e. three months after Soldiers’ deployment .deployment. Correlations and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed Results: The findings suggest that the soldiers in LDR were significantly more satisfied with their communication, with their relationship and with their sexuality than soldiers in GCR. No differences were found in the degree of relational investment. Conclusions: Overall, the results are in line with previous research that evidenced an increased overall satisfaction with various relational factors when they are temporarily departed from their partners.
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    Is it a man´s world? Exploring Portuguese female gamer's perception's and experience regarding sexism in the gaming
    (2021) Valente, Verónica; Beato, Ana
    Objective: The analysis aimed to understand Portuguese gamers’ perceptions of sexism in the world of gaming, focusing on the female perspective regarding existing gamer gender stereotypes and their experiences with online harassment while playing digital role-playing games (RPGs). Design and Method: This qualitative study comprised of 14 semi-structured interviews with individuals who identify as females between the age of 18 to 42 (M = 26.1; SD = 5.9) from different regions in Portugal which currently self-identified as gamers. Results: Two main themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the interview transcripts: (a) gamer gender stereotypes and (b) types of sexism between gamers. When reflecting on female gamer stereotypes, these were described negatively within the community and their competence to play is often questioned based on gender difference. Beyond this, results showed how gamers perceive types of sexism differently according to context, often partaking in benevolent sexism to alleviate the negative connotation of sexism provided by humor and sexist compliments. However, female gamers rendered multiple personal descriptions of hostile sexism and sexual objectification combined leading to online sexual harassment by their fellow male gamers while playing. These findings shed light on the issues of access to online resources and social equality for women in the gaming community and its male-driven culture, pointing to its flaws and a need for intervention to establish a safer place for all gamers. Conclusions: The findings offered an insight on the issues faced by female gamer in a video game setting, by withstanding judgment when stereotypes, and by having to face hostile attitudes from fellow gamers, not singularly male gamers. The behavior focused on gender differences and often alluded to sexual objectification to make the female gamers uncomfortable, flowed by attempts to establish an unrequired intimacy.
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    Estudos psicométricos da versão portuguesa doTransition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ)
    (2018) Meira, Juliana; Nazaré, Bárbara; Silva, Neuza