Revista Lusófona de Arquitectura e Educação nº 10 (2014)

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    Construção, materiais e conforto em ambiente tropical: a arquitetura nos trópicos
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2014) Santa-Rita, António José de
    The architecture in the tropical regions usually im plies the air conditioning devices installation, regarding the internal comfort. Howev er, it can be avoided gaining advantage of the local geography, topography, wind, ra in, moisture as well the temperature and the thermal variations during the d ay and the night. This study as a whole can avoid the air conditioning use and choose only natural ventilation and an adequate thermal envelope, a cheaper and sustainable solution. It is important also the complete knowledge of the local building and in sulating materials, shading devices, flora and the moisture content. Classical a rchitecture must be supported by the vernacular knowledge and teaching that gives us in a constant learning from the sixteenth century with the Portuguese colonization
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    Shopping centre and urban regeneration: reflections on the potential for a synergic relation
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2014) Queiroz, Tiago
    Shopping Centres are usually related with the proce ss of suburban growth and urban sprawl. Key element and urban reference of the moto rway cities, these semiotic symbols for the consumption’s life standard, shoppin g centres are also considered the executioners of traditional commerce. Urban centres on the main Portuguese cities suffer a chronicle problem of abandon and desertification, mostly related with housing pri ces and inefficient policies on urban regeneration, to which the local commerce aba ndon is collateral. Considering the urban essence as a social happening , where public and private activities coexist in a complex and intricate struc ture, where the hierarchy of space and building is sewed by the common citizen necessi ties – shelter, food, work and leisure – it is reasonable to assume that the comme rcial activities which provide the software or interface for this basic requirements o f contemporary urban living, may be the essential catalyst for a city vitality. The main question on this paper is: Can shopping ce ntres be used as the anchor for urban regeneration of consolidated metropolitan are as? If so, what might be the adequate typologies, dimensions and logistic require ments? Not disregarding any other important factors of the urban framework, operating on the border between public and semi-public space, th e anchor terminology is not innocent. The paradigms of the contemporary shoppin g centre stand on the basic lexis of the traditional city - where the most icon ic anchor shops relate with the squares in a similar symbolic pattern as that of th e public or corporate buildings, whilst the smaller shops are placed along the “mall ” streets and configure the common private blocks, as in a real city. Here lies one key factor: the lack of authenticity of the shopping centre urban dialogue, which in this case, could be referred as au thentiCITY. As an opposite example, we may refer to the importance of big depa rtment stores, in the commercial vitality of many European city centres, where shopp ing happens without a mimetic solution. In this case, the relation between urban street shopping and department store shopping is diffuse and disconnected. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper is to expl ore the possibilities of connection between urban street shopping and the shopping (cen tre) urban experience, considering the potential for a synergic relation. For this purpose two case studies, located in Lisbon, were considered,: Chiado regeneration scheme, by Architect Alvaro Siza Vieir a (where stands the reconversion of the Chiado Warehouses, by Architect Eduardo Sou to de Moura) and the Martim Moniz area, in which stand two small shopping centre s built in the 80’s.
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    The poetics of modern design : from the grain elevators to the production of Design in the first half of the twentieth century
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2014) Ladeiro, Nuno Miguel Amorim de Campos
    The shape of the Grain Elevators characterized the formation of the consciousness of the visionary, functionalist, and machinist class of the first half of the twentieth century. Through the study of the evolution model o f the Grain Elevators, of the examples built in Buffalo, USA, and the analysis of modern design objects, we intend to establish a relationship between the shape of gr ain elevators and the shape of modern design objects in order to understand whethe r the internationalization of this model of functional factory was a model that influe nced the design of some modern industrial design pieces. By using more speculative methodologies, our objecti ve is to identify and understand some modern design objects that reflect a formal re lationship with the Grain Elevators.