ECATI - Artigos de Revistas Internacionais com Arbitragem Científica

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    Generative art with swarm landscapes
    (MDPI, 2020) Andrade, Diogo de; Fachada, Nuno; Fernandes, Carlos M.; Rosa, Agostinho C.
    We present a generative swarm art project that creates 3D animations by running a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm over synthetic landscapes produced by an objective function. Different kinds of functions are explored, including mathematical expressions, Perlin noise-based terrain, and several image-based procedures. A method for displaying the particle swarm exploring the search space in aesthetically pleasing ways is described. Several experiments are detailed and analyzed and a number of interesting visual artifacts are highlighted.
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    Population sizing of cellular evolutionary algorithms
    (Elsevier, 2020) Fernandes, Carlos M.; Fachada, Nuno; Laredo, Juan L. J.; Merelo, J. J.; Rosa, Agostinho C.
    Cellular evolutionary algorithms (cEAs) are a particular type of EAs in which a communication structure is imposed to the population and mating restricted to topographically nearby individuals. In general, these algorithms have longer takeover times than panmictic EAs and previous investigations argue that they are more efficient in escaping local optima of multimodal and deceptive functions. However, most of those studies are not primarily concerned with population size, despite being one of the design decisions with a greater impact in the accuracy and convergence speed of population-based metaheuristics. In this paper, optimal population size for cEAs structured by regular and random graphs with different degree is estimated. Selecto-recombinative cEAs and standard cEAs with mutation and different types of crossover were tested on a class of functions with tunable degrees of difficulty. Results and statistical tests demonstrate the importance of setting an appropriate population size. Event Takeover Values (ETV) were also studied and previous assumptions on their distribution were not confirmed: although ETV distributions of panmictic EAs are heavy-tailed, log-log plots of complementary cumulative distribution functions display no linearity. Furthermore, statistical tests on ETVs generated by several instances of the problems conclude that power law models cannot be favored over log-normal. On the other hand, results confirm that cEAs impose deviations to distribution tails and that large ETVs are less probable when the population is structured by graphs with low connectivity degree. Finally, results suggest that for panmictic EAs the ETVs’ upper bounds are approximately equal to the optimal population size. Keywords: Spatially structured evolutionary algorithms; Cellular evolutionary algorithms;Optimal population size; Event takeover values
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    generateData—A 2D data generator
    (Elsevier, 2020-05) Fachada, Nuno; Rosa, Agostinho C.
    generateData is a MATLAB/Octave function for generating 2D data clusters. Data is created along straight lines, which can be more or less parallel depending on the selected input parameters. The function also allows to fine-tune the generated data with respect to number of clusters, total data points, average cluster separation and several other distributional properties.
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    Parallelization strategies for spatial agent-based models
    (Springer, 2017) Fachada, Nuno; Lopes, Vitor V.; Martins, Rui C.; Rosa, Agostinho C.
    Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a bottom-up modeling approach, where each entity of the system being modeled is uniquely represented as an independent decision-making agent. Large scale emergent behavior in ABMs is population sensitive. As such, the number of agents in a simulation should be able to reflect the reality of the system being modeled, which can be in the order of millions or billions of individuals in certain domains. A natural solution to reach acceptable scalability in commodity multi-core processors consists of decomposing models such that each component can be independently processed by a different thread in a concurrent manner. In this paper we present a multithreaded Java implementation of the PPHPC ABM, with two goals in mind: (1) compare the performance of this implementation with an existing NetLogo implementation; and, (2) study how different parallelization strategies impact simulation performance on a shared memory architecture. Results show that: (1) model parallelization can yield considerable performance gains; (2) distinct parallelization strategies offer specific trade-offs in terms of performance and simulation reproducibility; and, (3) PPHPC is a valid reference model for comparing distinct implementations or parallelization strategies, from both performance and statistical accuracy perspectives.
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    Steady state particle swarm
    (PeerJ Inc., 2019) Fernandes, Carlos M.; Fachada, Nuno; Merelo, J. J.; Rosa, Agostinho C.
    This paper investigates the performance and scalability of a new update strategy for the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The strategy is inspired by the Bak–Sneppen model of co-evolution between interacting species, which is basically a network of fitness values (representing species) that change over time according to a simple rule: the least fit species and its neighbors are iteratively replaced with random values. Following these guidelines, a steady state and dynamic update strategy for PSO algorithms is proposed: only the least fit particle and its neighbors are updated and evaluated in each time-step; the remaining particles maintain the same position and fitness, unless they meet the update criterion. The steady state PSO was tested on a set of unimodal, multimodal, noisy and rotated benchmark functions, significantly improving the quality of results and convergence speed of the standard PSOs and more sophisticated PSOs with dynamic parameters and neighborhood. A sensitivity analysis of the parameters confirms the performance enhancement with different parameter settings and scalability tests show that the algorithm behavior is consistent throughout a substantial range of solution vector dimensions.
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    On ground validation of debris removal technologies
    (Acta Astronautica, 2019) Colmenarejo, Pablo; Graziano, Mariella; Novelli, Gabriele; Mora, Dario; Serra, Pedro; Tomassini, Angelo; Seweryn, Karol; Prisco, Gaetano; Fernandez, Jesus Gil
    The goal of the activity On-ground Validation of Debris Removal Technologies, ORCO, has been to investigate and mature the complex couplings between the different control systems (GNC including image processing and robotics) for autonomous rigid capture between an active chaser vehicle and a cooperative/non-cooperative target, and derive the required algorithms and perform a HW-in-the-loop end-to-end demonstration. The prototyped solution is tested in the most realistic conditions obtainable on ground, including also the dynamics of the system as well as the relative visual based navigation system. The on-ground validation and integration is performed taking advantage of the GMV platform-art© dynamic test facility located in Madrid, Spain, with the addition of the hardware provided by the partners: robotic system from CBK (Poland) and visual system from TSD (Italy).
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    Videogame Agency as a Bio-costs Contract
    (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2018) Neves, Pedro Pinto; Morgado, Leonel; Zagalo, Nelson
    This paper presents a novel descriptive model for agency in videogames as communication. Literature pertaining to interactive works including videogames has identified the need to overcome dyadic perspectives of communication in such works. Research specifically to do with agency has called for agency to no longer be confused with freedom of action, for an integrated perspective of the player and the system, and for that relationship to be viewed as a conversation. The transactional model in this paper achieves this by proposing a nested hierarchy of levels of communication that operate as an implicit contract, negotiated between the system and the player, where the object of the transaction is bio-costs, effected through the signalling of the attainability of understandings. The paper describes research antecedents, a research agenda, the basis for the model, the model itself, examples of how the model can be used to describe videogame designs, and future research