CICANT - Relevância no cinema contemporâneo : valores e discurso

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    In the mood for disconnection
    (2021) Karppi, Tero; Chia, Aleena; Jorge, Ana Margarida Ferreira Rato
    The needs and desires to disconnect, detox, and log out have been turned into commodities and found their expressions in detox camps, self-help books, and “offline” branded apparel. Disconnection studies have challenged the power of commodified disconnective practices to create real social change. In this article, we build on the notion of affective attunement to explore how disconnection commodities provide differential ways for individuals to respond to the challenges of connectivity, and how they can form larger patterns of resistance that cannot be dismissed as futile. We examine the ambiguity of disconnection commodities through three examples: a smartwatch kill switch and stealth mode features, detox floatation tank therapy, and make-up lines. Our approach turns the perspective from ends to the means of disconnection. We argue that these commodities do not offer hard breaks but they do let users attune to connectivity.
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    Lugares Sagrados: Corpo e Sensualidade no Cinema
    (Faculdade de Belas -Artes, 2009-10) Gil, Inês
    In film, Eros manifests itself in the image temporality to wake the sensation up. But the image needs to remain ambiguous to suggest and not to show. In suggesting, it maintains a distance between the body representation and its sensuality. In showing, the image may turn into another genre: the obscene or the pornographic one. That is why Eros has a sacred place in film because it always maintains a veil upon its presentation: the body exteriority and interiority become mystery. It is the filmic "aura" of Eros.
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    A atmosfera fílmica como consciência
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2002) Gil, Inês
    The concept of "cinematic atmosphere" is complex because its analysis raises the problem of the cinematographic formal construction as inductive medium of the film atmosphere. Moreover, the proper notion of "atmosphere" reveals other concepts more or less controlled by the cinematic elements that will have all the same goal: the recognition of these concepts through the manifestation of the atmosphere.