Entrepreneurship education: a scorecard approach to assess regional impacts of university programs
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
As Universidades desempenham um papel importante no desenvolvimento das regiões, decorrentes da sua tripla missão (Brennan et al., 2004): Ensino, Investigação e “Envolvimento da Comunidade” (B-HERT, 2006). As Instituições de Ensino Superior estão equipadas com recursos humanos altamente qualificados e desempenham um papel fundamental na criação de conhecimento, bem como no desenvolvimento e na evolução das sociedades (European Union, 2011). Assim, é crucial uma efetiva incorporação destes conhecimentos no desenvolvimento de produtos e inovações (European Union, 2011). Ao longo das últimas décadas, as atividades de transferência de conhecimento foram alvo de especial atenção, nomeadamente pelo seu potencial para expandir o impacto das Universidades (Sánchez-Barrioluengo, 2014), através do desenvolvimento de relações com a comunidade. Assim, os países europeus estabeleceram políticas promotoras da transferência de conhecimentos da Universidade para as regiões europeias (Berbegal-Mirabent et al., 2013). A União Europeia (2011) elencou um conjunto de quatro áreas a partir das quais as Universidades estimulam o desenvolvimento regional: reforçar a inovação regional através das suas atividades de investigação; promoção das empresas, desenvolvimento e crescimento de negócios; contribuição para o desenvolvimento do capital humano regional e competências, e melhorar a igualdade social através da regeneração e desenvolvimento cultural. Este artigo centra-se na segunda área, abordando os projetos universitários que visam a promoção do empreendedorismo. O empreendedorismo tem um papel crucial no crescimento económico e na criação de emprego. A educação no empreendedorismo está incluída no leque de ferramentas através das quais se espera que as Universidades contribuam para o desenvolvimento regional (Laukkanen, 2000). Desde uma fase inicial que a educação ganhou relevância e foi definida como uma prioridade, tanto para a Comissão Europeia, como para as regiões europeias. Neste contexto, as Universidades têm beneficiado das oportunidades criadas pelos programas educacionais que promovem o desenvolvimento de um conjunto variado de competências, promovidos por Políticas de Educação Europeias (Cankaya et al., 2015). Atualmente o programa Erasmus+ cobre uma ampla gama de projetos destinados a aumentar as qualificações e a empregabilidade. O programa apoia parcerias transnacionais no campo da educação, formação e instituições e organizações jovens que promovam a cooperação e estabeleçam pontes entre o mundo da educação e do trabalho, com o objetivo de colmatar as lacunas de competências na Europa. A educação em empreendedorismo está no centro destas preocupações. O Erasmus+ promove o desenvolvimento de competências empresariais que criam um ambiente propício para o empreendedorismo (European Commission, 2010; European Commission, 2016), e oferece suporte para a promoção da educação empreendedora pelas Universidades, (Jansen et al., 2015). Este artigo propõe uma abordagem inspirada na abordagem de scorecard para desenvolver uma metodologia para aferir os impactos regionais dos projetos de empreendedorismo universitários desenvolvidos no âmbito do programa Erasmus+.
Universities play an important role in the development of regions (Brennan et al., 2004), stemming from their threefold acknowledged mission: Teaching, Research and "Community Engagement" (B-HERT, 2006). Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are equipped with highly qualified human resources and hold a key role in knowledge creation and on the development and evolution of societies (European Union, 2011). To this end an effective incorporation of such knowledge into product development and innovation is crucial (European Union, 2011). Over the past decades knowledge transfer activities have received special attention, notably for their potential for expanding the impact of Universities (Sánchez-Barrioluengo, 2014) through the development of relationships with communities. On this regard, European countries established policies encouraging the transfer of knowledge from university to the European regions (Berbegal-Mirabent et al., 2013). The European Union (2011) has put forward four main areas from which Universities stimulate regional development: enhancing regional innovation through their research activities; promoting enterprise, business development and growth; contributing to the development of regional human capital and skills, and improving social equality through regeneration and cultural development. This paper focuses in the second area, by addressing the university projects aiming the promotion of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is regarded as instrumental in economic growth, and job creation. Entrepreneurial education therefore is included in the range of ways by which Universities are expected to contribute to regional development (Laukkanen, 2000). Education has gain relevance as priority for the European Commission and for European regions from an early stage. In this context, Universities have benefited from the opportunities created by the educational programs fostering the development of a varied set of competences that have been promoted, nurtured by European Education Policies (Cankaya et al., 2015). Currently the Erasmus+ program offers an umbrella for projects aimed at boosting skills and employability. The program supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps in Europe. Entrepreneurship education is at the core of these concerns. Erasmus+ promotes the development of entrepreneurial competencies which grant a propitious environment for entrepreneurship (European Commission, 2010; European Commission, 2016), and offers support for the promotion of entrepreneurship education by Universities (Jansen et al., 2015) This paper builds on a scorecard approach to develop a methodology for assessing the regional impacts of university entrepreneurship projects developed under the Erasmus+ program.
Universities play an important role in the development of regions (Brennan et al., 2004), stemming from their threefold acknowledged mission: Teaching, Research and "Community Engagement" (B-HERT, 2006). Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are equipped with highly qualified human resources and hold a key role in knowledge creation and on the development and evolution of societies (European Union, 2011). To this end an effective incorporation of such knowledge into product development and innovation is crucial (European Union, 2011). Over the past decades knowledge transfer activities have received special attention, notably for their potential for expanding the impact of Universities (Sánchez-Barrioluengo, 2014) through the development of relationships with communities. On this regard, European countries established policies encouraging the transfer of knowledge from university to the European regions (Berbegal-Mirabent et al., 2013). The European Union (2011) has put forward four main areas from which Universities stimulate regional development: enhancing regional innovation through their research activities; promoting enterprise, business development and growth; contributing to the development of regional human capital and skills, and improving social equality through regeneration and cultural development. This paper focuses in the second area, by addressing the university projects aiming the promotion of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is regarded as instrumental in economic growth, and job creation. Entrepreneurial education therefore is included in the range of ways by which Universities are expected to contribute to regional development (Laukkanen, 2000). Education has gain relevance as priority for the European Commission and for European regions from an early stage. In this context, Universities have benefited from the opportunities created by the educational programs fostering the development of a varied set of competences that have been promoted, nurtured by European Education Policies (Cankaya et al., 2015). Currently the Erasmus+ program offers an umbrella for projects aimed at boosting skills and employability. The program supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps in Europe. Entrepreneurship education is at the core of these concerns. Erasmus+ promotes the development of entrepreneurial competencies which grant a propitious environment for entrepreneurship (European Commission, 2010; European Commission, 2016), and offers support for the promotion of entrepreneurship education by Universities (Jansen et al., 2015) This paper builds on a scorecard approach to develop a methodology for assessing the regional impacts of university entrepreneurship projects developed under the Erasmus+ program.
R-LEGO - Revista Lusófona de Economia e Gestão das Organizações
Silva , H , Caravau , H , Amorim , M & Dias , M F 2016 , ' Entrepreneurship education: a scorecard approach to assess regional impacts of university programs ' , R-LEGO - Revista Lusófona de Economia e Gestão das Organizações .