Projectar hoje o território
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
Facilmente se infere que, ainda hoje, estamos perante duas formas distintas de abordar o problema das cidades. Para muitos, o urbanista não é mais do que o arquitecto da cidade, ligando os edifícios que o outro arquitecto se encarregou de projectar. Nada de mais errado, do nosso ponto de vista de autarca e de gestor dum território com 407 quilómetros quadrados. Com efeito, como referimos mais acima, o urbanismo é bem mais do que o conjunto de edifícios dum espaço urbano. Em tese, uma cidade poder ser construída de acordo com as ideias de milhares de arquitetos mas se não for feita de acordo com a planificação do urbanista, deixará de ter coerência cultural, social, histórica e económica para passar a ser um mero amontoado de edifícios. É na construção deste fio condutor que se projecta o futuro e a qualidade de vida das pessoas e que o urbanista é claramente uma mais-valia.
Easily we can infer that, even today, we are dealing with two distinct forms of addressing the problem of cities. For many, the urban planner is nothing more than the architect of the city, connecting the buildings that another architect had deployed. Nothing is more wrong, from our point of view of local politician and administrator of a territory with 407 square kilometers. In fact, as we have already said, the urban planning is much more than the set of buildings of an urban space. In theory, a city can be built in accordance with the ideas of thousands of architects but if it is not carried out in accordance with the planning of urban planner, will no longer have cultural, social, historical and economic consistency to being a mere heap of buildings. It is in the construction of this thread that we project the future and the quality of people life and that the urban planner is obviously an added value.
Easily we can infer that, even today, we are dealing with two distinct forms of addressing the problem of cities. For many, the urban planner is nothing more than the architect of the city, connecting the buildings that another architect had deployed. Nothing is more wrong, from our point of view of local politician and administrator of a territory with 407 square kilometers. In fact, as we have already said, the urban planning is much more than the set of buildings of an urban space. In theory, a city can be built in accordance with the ideas of thousands of architects but if it is not carried out in accordance with the planning of urban planner, will no longer have cultural, social, historical and economic consistency to being a mere heap of buildings. It is in the construction of this thread that we project the future and the quality of people life and that the urban planner is obviously an added value.
Malha Urbana: Revista Lusófona de Urbanismo
Miguel , C 2012 , ' Projectar hoje o território ' , Malha Urbana: Revista Lusófona de Urbanismo .