Stress oxidativo e defesas antioxidantes: uma revisão pedagógica
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
Nos últimos anos tem havido um interesse crescente pelos efeitos do stress oxidativo, e muitas evidências científicas indicam que este está envolvido em diversos fenómenos patológicos. O presente artigo pretende rever os conceitos de stress oxidativo e defesas antioxidantes, permitindo introduzir os profissionais e alunos da área da saúde nesta temática. Assim, são abordadas as principais vias de formação de espécies reactivas de oxigénio, assim como o processo de peroxidação lipídica. Este artigo foca também as defesas antioxidantes, especialmente as enzimas superóxido dismutases, catalase e glutationo peroxidases, que desempenham um papel central nas defesas celulares. São ainda referidos os efeitos deleténos do stress oxidativo, bem como alguns dos processos patológicos em que as lesões oxidativas estão envolvidas, e que justificam o interesse dos compostos antioxidantes.
In the last years a growing interest concerning the effects of oxidative stress has been noticed and its involvement in different pathological phenomena suggested by many scientific evidences. The present paper aims to review oxidative stress basic concepts and antioxidation, introducing health professionals and students to this topic. Thus, main reactive oxygen species generation pathways and lipid peroxidation processes are addressed under this view. This paper focus antioxidation defenses, superoxide dismutases, catalase and glutathione peroxidases in particular, enzymes playing a pivotal role m this cellular context The present review also mentions the oxidative stress deleterious effects and pathologies where oxidative damage is involved, justifying the interest of antioxidative compounds.
In the last years a growing interest concerning the effects of oxidative stress has been noticed and its involvement in different pathological phenomena suggested by many scientific evidences. The present paper aims to review oxidative stress basic concepts and antioxidation, introducing health professionals and students to this topic. Thus, main reactive oxygen species generation pathways and lipid peroxidation processes are addressed under this view. This paper focus antioxidation defenses, superoxide dismutases, catalase and glutathione peroxidases in particular, enzymes playing a pivotal role m this cellular context The present review also mentions the oxidative stress deleterious effects and pathologies where oxidative damage is involved, justifying the interest of antioxidative compounds.
Biomedical and biopharmaceutical research : jornal de investigação biomédica e biofarmacêutica
Fernandes , A S , Castro , M & Oliveira , N G 2011 , ' Stress oxidativo e defesas antioxidantes: uma revisão pedagógica ' , Biomedical and biopharmaceutical research : jornal de investigação biomédica e biofarmacêutica .