Desenvolvimento e Validação da Escala de Literacia Mediática e Informacional para Alunos dos 2º e 3º Ciclos do Ensino Básico em Portugal
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
A comunicação e a partilha de significados num mundo altamente mediatizado requer múltiplas literacias. Independentemente das definições e abordagens, estas literacias têm vindo a abrir debates críticos sobre quais as competências que os cidadãos devem ter e desde quando elas devem ser adquiridas. No presente estudo damos conta do processo de desenvolvimento e validação de uma Escala de Literacia Mediática e Informacional (ELMI) para alunos dos 2º e 3º ciclos do Ensino Básico em Portugal. A validade de construto foi examinada via Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) para uma amostra de 1151 participantes. A AFE revelou uma estrutura trifatorial constituída por 22 itens que explicam 53.23% da variância total. A escala apresenta uma consistência interna global excelente (ωt = .92), com adequada consistência interna para todas as subescalas (α de Cronbach e α Ordinal > .70). Os resultados evidenciam boas qualidades psicométricas da ELMI que poderá ser um instrumento vantajoso para o prognóstico e avaliação de intervenções relacionadas com a literacia mediática.
Communication and sharing of meanings in a highly mediated world requires multiple literacies. Regardless of definitions and approaches, these literacies have been open up critical debates about what media skills citizens should have, as well as when they should be acquired. In the present study we report on the process of developing and validating a scale of Media and Information Literacy for students in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education in Portugal. The construct validity was examined via Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for a sample of 1151 participants. The EFA revealed a three-factor structure, consisting of 22 items that explain 53.23% of the total variance. The scale has an excellent overall internal consistency (ωt = .92), with an adequate internal consistency for all subscales (Cronbach’s α and Ordinal α > .70). The results show good psychometric qualities of this scale that could be an advantageous instrument for the prognosis and evaluation of interventions related to media literacy.
Communication and sharing of meanings in a highly mediated world requires multiple literacies. Regardless of definitions and approaches, these literacies have been open up critical debates about what media skills citizens should have, as well as when they should be acquired. In the present study we report on the process of developing and validating a scale of Media and Information Literacy for students in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education in Portugal. The construct validity was examined via Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for a sample of 1151 participants. The EFA revealed a three-factor structure, consisting of 22 items that explain 53.23% of the total variance. The scale has an excellent overall internal consistency (ωt = .92), with an adequate internal consistency for all subscales (Cronbach’s α and Ordinal α > .70). The results show good psychometric qualities of this scale that could be an advantageous instrument for the prognosis and evaluation of interventions related to media literacy.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Costa , C , Tyner , K , Rosa , P J , Sousa , C P G E & Henriques , S 2018 , ' Desenvolvimento e Validação da Escala de Literacia Mediática e Informacional para Alunos dos 2º e 3º Ciclos do Ensino Básico em Portugal ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação .