Revista “Atlantida” : a educação elementar em Portugal e no Brasil nas primeiras décadas do século XX
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
Este artigo visa analisar o tratamento dado à educação elementar na revista “Atlantida: Mensario artistico, literario e social para Portugal e Brazil” (1915-1920). O principal objetivo da revista era contribuir para a integração lusobrasileira e, embora a literatura merecesse maior destaque, as questões sociais,políticas, econômicas, culturais e educacionais foram bastante discutidas ao longo de suas páginas. A análise dos artigos relacionados à educação elementar veiculados pela “Atlantida” evidencia que a revista difundiu algumas das principais preocupações de sua época: a necessidade de ampliação desse nível de ensino e a defesa de ideias escolanovistas. Redigida e divulgada por uma elite intelectual próxima ao poder em ambos os países, acabou por servir de instrumento de veiculação dos ideais do liberalismo educacional, matriz das principais reformas empreendidas no período no âmbito da educação, tanto em Portugal quanto no Brasil.
The purpose of this article is to analyze how elementary education is dealt with in the journal “Atlantida: Mensario artistico, literario e social para Portugal e Brazil [Monthly on artistic, literary and social affairs in Portugal and Brazil]” (1915-1920). The principal aim of the journal was to contribute to Portuguese-Brazilian integration and, although literature was more prominent, considerable attention was given in the various volumes to social, political, economic, cultural and educational questions. Analysis of the articles devoted to elementary education in “Atlantida” reveals that the journal gave currency to some of the major concerns of the time: the need to develop this level of education, and the defense of the ideas of the Escola Nova movement. Written and disseminated by an intellectual elite that was close to the seat of power in both countries, the journal ultimately became an instrument for conveying the ideas of educational liberalism and the nursery of the major educational reforms of the period, both in Portugal and in Brazil.
The purpose of this article is to analyze how elementary education is dealt with in the journal “Atlantida: Mensario artistico, literario e social para Portugal e Brazil [Monthly on artistic, literary and social affairs in Portugal and Brazil]” (1915-1920). The principal aim of the journal was to contribute to Portuguese-Brazilian integration and, although literature was more prominent, considerable attention was given in the various volumes to social, political, economic, cultural and educational questions. Analysis of the articles devoted to elementary education in “Atlantida” reveals that the journal gave currency to some of the major concerns of the time: the need to develop this level of education, and the defense of the ideas of the Escola Nova movement. Written and disseminated by an intellectual elite that was close to the seat of power in both countries, the journal ultimately became an instrument for conveying the ideas of educational liberalism and the nursery of the major educational reforms of the period, both in Portugal and in Brazil.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
Lopes , S F 2012 , ' Revista “Atlantida” : a educação elementar em Portugal e no Brasil nas primeiras décadas do século XX ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação .