Del fogón a la ''Chagra'' : mujeres, liderazgo y educación intercultural en la Amazonía colombiana y en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
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University of Lusophone Humanities and Technology
Através da metodologia de trajetórias de vida de quatro mulheres colombianas indígenas que procurase caracterizar as experiências de educação superior intercultural na Amazónia colombiana e da Serra Nevada de Santa Marta, no Caribe colombiano. Ao reconstruir-se a vida dessas mulheres pode-se ver os sucessos e êxitos concretos, mas também as dificuldades para entender a reprodução das relações de dominação, as rupturas face ao poder masculino e as linhas de ação de mulheres líderes indígenas que dentro ou fora das suas comunidades trabalham para mudanças dos papéis de género e para o acesso ao ensino superior das mulheres indígenas. Neste sentido, o artigo mostra as experiências emergentes de educação superior intercultural, e suas características em territórios indígenas como a Amazónia e a Serra Nevada de Santa Marta, e o papel das mulheres indígenas. Face ao exposto, foram levantadas neste artigo as seguintes questões: Quais são as experiências emergentes de educação superior intercultural na Colômbia? Quais são as características do processo de educação intercultural na Amazónia e na SNSM, e qual tem sido o papel das mulheres nessas experiências? O artigo mostra resultados muito interessantes, mas ainda processos incipientes de educação das mulheres indígenas na Colômbia.
Using the methodology of the life trajectories, based on the cases of four indigenous women, I want to reconstruct the characteristics of intercultural higher education experiences in the Colombian Amazon and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Caribbean cost). The reconstruction of the life stories of these women allows to reflect the concrete challenges, successes, and difficulties they have faced. It helps us to understand the reproduction of relationships of masculine domination, but also to identify ruptures and changes in gender roles inside or outside of the communities. In this sense, I propose in this article the following questions: What are the emerging experiences of intercultural higher education in Colombia? What are the characteristics in the Amazonas and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta cases and what is the role being played by women? This article shows a very interesting and provisional result of indigenous women formation in Colombia. Key-words: intercultural education; women; indigenous peoples; Amazonia
Using the methodology of the life trajectories, based on the cases of four indigenous women, I want to reconstruct the characteristics of intercultural higher education experiences in the Colombian Amazon and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Caribbean cost). The reconstruction of the life stories of these women allows to reflect the concrete challenges, successes, and difficulties they have faced. It helps us to understand the reproduction of relationships of masculine domination, but also to identify ruptures and changes in gender roles inside or outside of the communities. In this sense, I propose in this article the following questions: What are the emerging experiences of intercultural higher education in Colombia? What are the characteristics in the Amazonas and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta cases and what is the role being played by women? This article shows a very interesting and provisional result of indigenous women formation in Colombia. Key-words: intercultural education; women; indigenous peoples; Amazonia
Santamaria , A 2015 , ' Del fogón a la ''Chagra'' : mujeres, liderazgo y educación intercultural en la Amazonía colombiana y en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ' , Revista Lusófona de Educação , vol. 31 , no. 31 , pp. 161-177 .