ULHT/HEI-Lab - Artigos de Revistas Internacionais com Arbitragem Científica

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    The update of semantic memories in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
    (Wiley, 2021) Mendonça, Alexandre de; Cardoso, Sandra; Maroco, João; Guerreiro, Manuela; Carmo, Joana Costa
    It is still controversial to what extent neocortical consolidated memories are susceptible of change by processes of reconsolidation and transformation throughout experience, and whether the medial temporal lobes are necessary for this update of semantic consolidated memories, as they are for episodic remembering. We hypothesise that patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) who have deficits in episodic memory may also have difficulties in updating information on added new features of objects. Sixteen participants with aMCI and 20 healthy control participants performed a semantic Word-to-Picture task, in which they were asked to identify as belonging to a given semantic category NEW objects, that have incorporated novel features, as well as OLD items, semantically and visually SIMILAR items and UNRELATED items. Patients with aMCI made a greater percentage of errors than healthy controls. Participants globally made greater percentages of errors in difficult types of items, namely NEW and SIMILAR, as compared to easier ones, OLD and UNRELATED. Importantly, an item by diagnostic group interaction effect was observed, and post hoc analysis showed that patients with aMCI made a higher percentage of errors than controls in NEW items only. In conclusion, patients with aMCI had a particular difficulty in identifying the NEW items of the Word-to-Picture task as compared to the control participants, supporting the concept of a flexible and dynamic conceptual knowledge system, involving the update of semantic memories and the integration of new attributes in a constant transformation process, which is impaired in these patients. Keywords: Mild Cognitive Impairment; memory transformation account; semantic system; semantic update
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    Judging pharmaceutical environmental risk by its cover? The effects of prescription medication and disease severity on environmental risk perception
    (Wiley Online Library, 2021-11) Luís, Sílvia; Moura, Rita; Lima, Maria Luísa; Poggio, Lucia; Aragones, Juan Ignacio; Camilo, Cristina
    Recent water analysis performed in senior residences showed high levels of water pollution due to pharmaceutical waste. The way people perceive pharmaceuticals’ environmental risk can contribute to reverse this problem, but it is still relatively unknown which factors influence their perception. The present study is two-fold. We first focused on exploring the levels of knowledge regarding environment/water pollution due to pharmaceutical residue of the groups responsible for prescribing (health professionals), handling (staff), and consuming pharmaceuticals on a daily basis (seniors) in senior residences. Secondly, we assessed their environmental risk perception of four pharmaceutical based on two main factors: prescription medication (non-prescribed versus prescribed) and disease severity (milder versus severe disease), accounting for their level of knowledge (deficit vs. sufficiency of knowledge). Data was collected in multiple senior homes located in three Southwestern European countries – Portugal, Spain, and France (N=300), using self-report surveys. Results show that across all groups, current knowledge was perceived to be low and the need to know more was perceived to be high. Results further indicate that participants made use of irrelevant information to assess the environmental risk of the pharmaceuticals. Prescribed pharmaceuticals and/or medication used to treat severe diseases were perceived as being more hazardous for the environment. Moreover, only for disease severity did this effect occur mostly in the deficit of knowledge group. These misconceptions might discourage stakeholders to take a more active role in reducing the impact of pharmaceutical residues in the environment/water sources, causing them to overlook this crisis.
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    Aggressive communication style as predictor of cyberbullying, emotional wellbeing, and personal moral beliefs in adolescence
    (2021) Pereira, Nádia Margarida Salgado; Ferreira, Paula Alexandra Nunes da Costa; Simão, Ana Margarida Vieira da Veiga; Paulino, Ana Paula Oliveira; Oliveira, Sofia; Mora Merchan, Joaquin A.
    Different forms of verbal aggression are often presented in cyberbullying and are used to harm others in online communication. This study proposed to understand the influence of an aggressive communication style on adolescents’ intentions to engage in cyberbullying, their emotional well-being, and personal moral beliefs. A convenience sample of 218 adolescents (Mage = 14.67, SD = 0.84, 53% girls) in Portugal responded to questionnaires. Structural equation modeling analyses were conducted to test mediating effects. An aggressive communication style may lead adolescents to perceive cyberbullying behavior as fair, and to decrease their emotional well-being. Moreover, this communication style may contribute to adolescents’ intentions to engage in cyberbullying, and whether they believe this type of behavior is fair or unfair may determine those intentions. These findings contribute to an understanding of determiners of cyberbullying and the provision of insights to develop school interventions in this field.
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    O papel mediador da autorrevelação sexual na relação entre a expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual em adultos heterossexuais
    (Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 2019) Pascoal, Patrícia; Lopes, Catarina Rasteiro; Rosa, Pedro Joel
    O objetivo de deste estudo foi testar um modelo de mediação da expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual via autorrevelação, enquanto processo, é uma variável mediadora significativa da associação entre a expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por 564 participantes (370 mulheres, 65,60%), cisgénero, heterossexuais, numa relação diádica de exclusividade e compromisso. Foram testados dois modelos: um modelo de mediação simples e um modelo de mediação moderada, sendo este último usado para testa a influência do género no modelo de mediação. Os resultados demonstraram que, globalmente, homens e mulheres apresentaram valores médios idênticos na autorrevelação sexual e satisfação sexual; se contudo, na expressão de sentimentos, as mulheres apresentaram valores significativamente superiores. A expressão de sentimentos revelou-se uma variável preditora significativa da satisfação sexual e a autorrevelação sexual como uma variável parcialmente mediadora do modelo. No entanto, o género não modera a expressão de sentimentos e a autorrevelação. O presente estudo demonstra que a expressão de sentimentos e a autorrevelação sexual são importantes aspetos da satisfação sexual de ambos os géneros.
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    Validation of a new tool for evaluating subjects’ satisfaction with medicine package leaflets: a cross sectional descriptive study.
    (Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 2020) Pires, Carla Maria Batista Ferreira; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Vigário, Marina; Cavaco, Afonso Miguel das Neves
    BACKGROUND: Package leaflets of medicines need to be intelligible, but tools for their evaluation are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To validate a new tool for assessing subjects’ satisfaction with medicine package leaflets (LiS‑RPL). DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in two regions of Portugal (Lisbon and Centre). METHODS: 503 participants (53.1% male) were selected according to convenience and homogenously distributed into three groups: 1 to 6; 7 to 12; and > 12 years of schooling. LiS-RPL was developed based on international regulation guidelines and was initially composed of 14 items. Twelve package leaflets were tested. Dimensionality calculations included: exploratory factor analysis and minimum rank factor analysis; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index and Bartlett’s sphericity test to assess matrix adequacy for exploratory factor analysis; exploratory bifactor analysis with Schmid-Leiman solution to detect possible existence of a broad second-order factor; and Bentler’s Simplicity Index and Loading Simplicity Index to assess factor simplicity. Diverse coefficients were calculated to assess reliability. RESULTS: Minimum rank factor analysis detected a two-factor or single-factor structure. Exploratory factor analysis with 12 items showed a two-factor structure, explaining 69.11% of the variance. These items were strongly correlated with each other (r = 0.80). Schmid-Leiman: all items seemed to represent the general factor (loadings above 0.50), which was 76.4% of the extracted variance. Simplicity indices were good (percentile 99): Bentler’s Simplicity Index of 0.99 and Loading Simplicity Index of 0.48. Internal consistency indexes indicated good reliability. LiS-RPL was shown to be homogenous. CONCLUSION: LiS-RPL is a validated tool for evaluating subjects’ satisfaction with medicine package leaflets.
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    Consolidación memoria implícita : efecto de la valencia emocional y tiempo de exposición mediante el uso de priming perceptual
    (Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología, 2019) Polo, Javier; Castillo-Parra, Henry; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Oliveira, Jorge
    Se estudió el efecto de la valencia emocional y los tiempos de exposición en la consolidación de la memoria implícita mediante el uso del paradigma de priming perceptual enmascarado modificado, con reconocimiento de emociones bajo condiciones de consciencia limitada. Se presentaron rostros priming con expresiones emocionales de felicidad, rabia y neutro, en tiempos de exposición de 17ms, 33ms y 83 ms; posteriormente, los sujetos ejecutaron la tarea de memoria implícita, la cual consistía en recordar la emoción del rostro target de la primera tarea. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas a nivel de la valencia emocional entre los diferentes tiempos de exposición en la tarea de procesamiento perceptual, en comparación con la tarea de consolidación de la memoria implícita a nivel de los tiempos de reacción. Igualmente, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los tiempos de exposición al comparar la tarea de procesamiento perceptual y la de consolidación de la memoria implícita. Los resultados obtenidos explican que existe una correlación entre las respuestas correctas de esta última tarea y las valencias emocionales, con cada uno de los tres tiempos de exposición. Estos resultados sugieren que las valencias emocionales influyen diferencialmente en las tareas de procesamiento perceptual y consolidación de la memoria implícita.
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    Sexual health and the pandemic crisis : testing the role of psychological vulnerability/protective factors on sexual functioning and sexual distress during a critical life period
    (Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2022-01) Nobre, Pedro; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Vasconcelos, Priscila; Tavares, Inês; Carvalho, Joana Patrícia Pereira de; Gomes, Ana Luísa de Matos Dias Quinta; Moura, Catarina; Carrito, Manuela
    Recent findings suggest that the current COVID-19 pandemic has a potential negative impact in several areas of life, including sexual health. However, less is known about the psychological dimensions that may work as vulnerability/protective factors for the development of sexual problems in the current pandemic. The current study used a longitudinal design to examine the role played by personality trait factors (neuroticism, extraversion) as well as psychosexual factors (sexual beliefs) in predicting sexual functioning and sexual distress across time during the current pandemic crisis. A total of 528 individuals (337 women) completed a web survey assessing sexual health indicators and psychological factors. The first wave was conducted during the confinement period in Portugal (N = 528) between May and June 2020 and the second four months later (N = 146), when strict confinement rules were over. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to examine the ability of psychological factors to predict sexual functioning and distress across time, while controlling for age and gender. Results indicated that sexual distress at time point 2 was lower than during confinement, and men had lower levels of sexual functioning post-confinement while no significant difference was observed for women. Moreover, higher levels of neuroticism and age-related beliefs significantly predicted lower sexual functioning as well as higher sexual distress, whereas lower levels of extraversion predicted lower sexual functioning after controlling for age and gender effects. Findings support the role of psychological vulnerability factors to predict sexual problems across time and may have important implications in the prevention and treatment of sexual dysfunctions.
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    Personality and psychopathology heterogeneity in MMPI-2 and health-related features in fibromyalgia patients
    (Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2021) Gonzalez, Bárbara Isabel Dinis; Novo, Rosa Ferreira; Peres, Rodrigo
    Psychological aspects may play an important role as predisposing factors for fibromyalgia (FM). However, psychological heterogeneity of FM patients has been suggested. Based on two personality psychopathology clusters, we intend to explore psychological heterogeneity in FM patients, specifically, to identify if personality features had other psychological and psychopathological correlates. Secondarily, we also want to identify if personality features have association with health-related correlates. The participants were female FM patients (n = 56) between 30 and 60 years old. The instruments were: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) content and supplementary scales, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), and Numerical Rating Scale (NRS-11). Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVAs) identified that Cluster 2 (n = 24), characterized by a combination of negative affectivity and social inhibition, presented a more disturbed profile, with several important features of symptomatic behavior, general maladjustment, and important clinical problem areas. The associations of personality variables with FM impact and self-reported pain are null, with the exception of Disconstraint dimension. In conclusion, FM patients may be very different at the psychological level, concerning personality and psychopathological features that may compromise their treatment. Personality and health related dimensions do not seem to be associated.
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    A Cluster Analysis on Sexual Boredom Profiles in A Community Sample of Men and Women
    (The Journal of Sex Researc, 2021-06-11) Oliveira, Leonor B. de; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Carvalho, Joana Patrícia Pereira de; Nobre, Pedro
    Research evidence of the attributes of sexual boredom is extremely limited. Understanding variability in the experience of sexual boredom may offer relevant insights for the field of human sexuality. This study aimed to explore the co-occurrence of sexual boredom and other sexuality-related dimensions. The sample consisted of 1021 participants aged between 18 and 75 years old (M = 32.68, SD = 8.79). A genderstratified cluster analysis was performed to classify individuals regarding their scores on sexual boredom, general boredom, sexual sensation seeking, sexual desire, sexual excitation, sexual pleasure, and sexual satisfaction. A three-cluster solution was revealed for both men and women. Based on our findings, we put forward a profile for the sexually bored individual, who is more likely to be married or cohabiting with a partner, to have a boredom prone personality, to lack sexual sensation seeking, experience low sexual pleasure and satisfaction, and to present with sexual arousal and/or desire problems. Women dealing with sexual boredom might present low sexual desire for their partner but experience high sex desire for attractive others. Results are critically discussed and implications for sexual therapy explored.
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    Musculoskeletal symptoms in nursing students: the role of psychosocial factors
    (Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 2021-01) Firmino, Cristiana Isabel da Cruz Furtado; Sousa, Luís Manuel Mota de; Moutinho, Lídia Susana Mendes; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Marques, Maria de Fátima Mendes; Simões, Celeste
    Background: Throughout their education, nursing students are exposed to factors that can decrease their quality of life and general health status when associated with musculoskeletal symptoms. Objective: To identify the psychosocial factors associated with the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms in undergraduate nursing students. Methodology: Cross-sectional study with 253 students from university-level nursing schools. Data were collected between March and April 2018 through a self-administered questionnaire including sociodemographic variables and the Portuguese versions of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), the 36-Item Short-Form Survey (SF-36), and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (EADS-21). Results: Anxiety, stress, and depression were identified as variables associated with the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms affecting nursing students’ health. Conclusion: There are psychosocial factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms in nursing students. Understanding these risk factors will allow for the timely planning of prevention strategies and contribute to enhancing the learning process.
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    Ocular fixations modulate audiovisual semantic congruency when standing in an upright position
    (Suma Psicológica, 2021-06-02) Rodríguez-Martínez, Guillermo; Castillo-Parra, Henry; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Marroquin-Ciendúa, Fernando
    Introduction: Multisensory audiovisual semantic congruency is the process by which visual information is perceived as integrated to auditory stimuli, because both coincide in terms of simultaneity and semantic correspondence. This study was aimed at establishing whether visual percepts, which semantically correspond to auditory stimuli, are associated with ocular fixations in modulating bottom-up areas while keeping a body posture alignment between the up-direction and the idiotropic axes, as well as in another orientation corresponding to a vectorial opposition between the up-direction and the head idiotropic axis. Method: Two groups (one for each position) were selected from a sample of 88 people. A bistable image was presented on a screen of a fixed 120 Hz eye-tracker device, providing background auditory stimuli so as to establish semantic congruencies and their relations to ocular fixations. Results: It was found that audiovisual semantic congruency is associated with fixations when idiotropic vectors are aligned with the up direction. Fixations manifested in bottom-up modulating areas are not associated with multisensory audiovisual semantic congruency when the head idiotropic vector is parallel with the gravity vector. Eye fixations decrease significantly if the head idiotropic axis is aligned with the gravity vector. Conclusion: It is concluded that body position can affect visual perceptual processes involved in the occurrence of semantic congruency.
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    Pupil dilation reflects the authenticity of received nonverbal vocalizations
    (Scientific Reports (Nature), 2021) Cosme, Gonçalo; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Lima, César; Tavares, Vânia; Scott, Sophie; Chen, Sinead; Wilcockson, Thomas; Crawford, Trevor; Prata, Diana
    The ability to infer the authenticity of other’s emotional expressions is a social cognitive process taking place in all human interactions. Although the neurocognitive correlates of authenticity recognition have been probed, its potential recruitment of the peripheral autonomic nervous system is not known. In this work, we asked participants to rate the authenticity of authentic and acted laughs and cries, while simultaneously recording their pupil size, taken as proxy of cognitive efort and arousal. We report, for the frst time, that acted laughs elicited higher pupil dilation than authentic ones and, reversely, authentic cries elicited higher pupil dilation than acted ones. We tentatively suggest the lack of authenticity in others’ laughs elicits increased pupil dilation through demanding higher cognitive efort; and that, reversely, authenticity in cries increases pupil dilation, through eliciting higher emotional arousal. We also show authentic vocalizations and laughs (i.e. main efects of authenticity and emotion) to be perceived as more authentic, arousing and contagious than acted vocalizations and cries, respectively. In conclusion, we show new evidence that the recognition of emotional authenticity can be manifested at the level of the autonomic nervous system in humans. Notwithstanding, given its novelty, further independent research is warranted to ascertain its psychological meaning.
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    Cultural differences in vocal emotion recognition: a behavioural and skin conductance study in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau
    (Psychological Research, 2021) Cosme, Gonçalo; Tavares, Vânia; Nobre, Guilherme; Lima, César; Sá, Rui Miguel Moutinho; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Prata, Diana
    Cross-cultural studies of emotion recognition in nonverbal vocalizations not only support the universality hypothesis for its innate features, but also an in-group advantage for culture-dependent features. Nevertheless, in such studies, differences in socio-economic-educational status have not always been accounted for, with idiomatic translation of emotional concepts being a limitation, and the underlying psychophysiological mechanisms still un-researched. We set out to investigate whether native residents from Guinea-Bissau (West African culture) and Portugal (Western European culture)—matched for socio-economic-educational status, sex and language—varied in behavioural and autonomic system response during emotion recognition of nonverbal vocalizations from Portuguese individuals. Overall, Guinea–Bissauans (as out-group) responded significantly less accurately (corrected p < .05), slower, and showed a trend for higher concomitant skin conductance, compared to Portuguese (as in-group)—findings which may indicate a higher cognitive effort stemming from higher difficulty in discerning emotions from another culture. Specifically, accuracy differences were particularly found for pleasure, amusement, and anger, rather than for sadness, relief or fear. Nevertheless, both cultures recognized all emotions above-chance level. The perceived authenticity, measured for the first time in nonverbal cross-cultural research, in the same vocalizations, retrieved no difference between cultures in accuracy, but still a slower response from the out-group. Lastly, we provide—to our knowledge—a first account of how skin conductance response varies between nonverbally vocalized emotions, with significant differences (p < .05). In sum, we provide behavioural and psychophysiological data, demographically and language-matched, that supports cultural and emotion effects on vocal emotion recognition and perceived authenticity, as well as the universality hypothesis.
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    Does caffeine matter for arousal? Affective and autonomic responses induced by caffeine in coffee intake: evidence from a double-blind tasting task
    (Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, 2021-03-26) Rodrigues, Fernando; Diogo, Julien; Rodrigues, Carla; Figueira, Cláudia; Rosa, Pedro Joel
    Coffee is consumed worldwide, but there are different types of espresso blends, each with its unique concentration of caffeine, which can have different effects on the human being. The aim of this study was to understand the effect of the impact of caffeine on the autonomic nervous system, evaluating the physiological changes and subjective responses due to different levels of caffeine intake. A double-blind tasting task consisting of one within-subject factor design (caffeine level: high / double caffeine mixture (blend A) vs single-charge caffeine mixture (blend B) vs low-caffeine mixture (blend c) allowed us to assess participants’ autonomic responses using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Pupillary Reactivity (PR). Arousal was also assessed through the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Results revealed statistically significant differences in HRV and PR between coffee blends, showing the blend A,a more pronounced autonomic response that blend C. However, no significant differences were found in arousal level among coffee blends. These results are similar to previous research that pointed out to a discordance between subjective and objective measures when caffeine is consumed.
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    Exploring hypersexuality pathways from eye movements : the role of (sexual) impulsivity
    (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2021) Carvalho, Joana Patrícia Pereira de; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Štulhofer, Aleksandar
    Background: Impulsivity is regarded as a key factor underpinning hypersexuality like-conditions. However, impulsivity is a multifaceted construct, and existing research has not been capturing such complexity, which includes the effects of domain-general and domain-specific impulsivity in hypersexuality. Aim: The aim of this study was to test the predictive role of specific impulsivity domains, ie, domain-general and domain-specific, in hypersexuality and its associated consequences. Methods: Fifty-five men and 58 women went through an emotional Go/-no-Go task (including sexual, high-valence positive, and neutral pictures), aimed at capturing domain-general and domain-specific impulsivity. Ocular metrics were further considered in order to increase the validity of the experimental task, and provide a metric of attention capturing. The study was carried out in a community sample. Outcomes: Self-reported (general)impulsivity and commission errors toward high-valence positive and sexual pictures (signaling domain-general and domain-specific impulsivity, respectively) were settled as independent variables, along with Time to First Fixation to stimuli, capturing early/uncontrolled attention. Scores on hypersexuality and negative consequences emerging from hypersexual behavior were settled as outcome variables. Results: Self-reported (general)impulsivity was the only predictor of hypersexuality scores, while negative consequences were best accounted by higher fixation time to sexual pictures. In all, findings did not support the role of domain-specific impulsivity (ie, sexual impulsivity) in hypersexuality. Clinical translation: Findings tentatively suggest that hypersexuality, as captured at the community level, may be best positioned within the general spectrum of psychopathology, thus influencing educational and clinical intervention protocols aimed at addressing hypersexuality related complaints. Protocols would be expected to primarily target general psychopathology phenomena, rather than specific sexual aspects. Strengths & limitations: This study implemented an innovative approach to capture different impulsivity domains, thus adding to previous literature in the field. However, the current study precludes the generalization of findings to clinical samples, where psychological comorbidities are expected to impact results. Further, findings must be read with caution given to limited effect sizes. Conclusion: While hypersexuality was related to self-reported (general) impulsivity, findings on the negative consequences associated with hypersexual behavior mirrored response patterns found in depression. Such evidence aligns with the assumption that hypersexuality related phenomena might be better positioned in the psychopathology domain, rather than simply framed as a specific sexual problem.
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    Perceptual reversals and time-response analyses within the scope of decoding a bistable image
    (Interdisciplinaria, 2022) Rodríguez-Martínez, Guillermo; Marroquín-Ciendúa, Fernando; Rosa, Pedro Joel; Castillo-Parra, Henry
    A bistable image admits two possible interpretations, so that the observer can recognize the two percepts, but never at the same time. The alternations between percepts are called “perceptual reversals”. When the observer’s position is different from the upright position, the ability to make perceptual alternations may be impaired. Besides, the recognition of the percepts of a bistable image can be a complex reaction time visual task, if it involves recognizing two different conceptual units, added to the fact of having to make a subsequent report. A visual task was performed by 88 people in order to establish whether the perception of Boring’s bistable image My girlfriend or my mother-in-law is associated with areas that condition its interpretation. It was assumed that decoding the image and reporting the perceived percept implied a complex reaction time. The task itself was done in front of a fixed 120 Hz eye-tracker, in two opposite body positions. Analyses were made reviewing the association of the percepts with bottom-up modulation areas of the image, and considering ocular fixations made 200 and 250 milliseconds before the time of the report. The records of these fixations were obtained so as to establish which of the two reaction times (200 ms or 250 ms) was involved in the bottom-up modulation process from the moment of ocular fixation to the reports given by the participants. It was concluded that perceptual reversals decrease significantly when head idiotropic axis points in the gravity vector direction, in comparison to the upright position. Likewise, associations between visual percepts and bottom-up modulating areas of the image were found when analyses were done by considering ocular fixations made 250 ms before the moment of the report. Interpreting Boring’s bistable image implies a complex visual task in accordance with the results obtained.
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    Connectedness and well-being in simulated nature
    (Wiley, 2021) Pasca, Laura; Carrus, Giuseppe; Loureiro, Ana Luisa Cardoso Marques Teixeira; Navarro, Oscar; Panno, Angelo; Tapía-Follen, Cesar; Aragonés, Juan Ignacio
    People relate to nature physically, cognitively and emotionally, and this relationship fosters their well-being. There are several types of environments that vary according to their degree of naturalness, raising the question of whether they each exert different effects on people, connectedness and well-being. In order to study the extent to which environmental connectedness and well-being are a function of viewing different types of nature, we conducted a study with 454 participants from five different countries, who viewed images on a computer screen of one of three types of environment (totally natural, quasi-natural or non-natural) and responded to a series of associated items. The results of a mediation analysis showed an indirect effect of type of environment on well-being through positive and negative affect and connectedness to nature. The corresponding ANOVAs revealed differences in the connectedness and well-being elicited by different types of environment, and in preference: totally natural and quasi-natural environments (with no differences between them) showed differences with non-natural environments. Therefore, our study results suggest the usefulness of images of natural environments in fostering people's well-being and connectedness to nature.
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    Assessing the Unidimensionality of Clayton’s Environmental Identity Scale Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (bifactor-ESEM)
    (University of California Press, 2021) Moreira, Paulo; Loureiro, Ana Luisa Cardoso Marques Teixeira; Inman, Richard; Olivos-Jara, Pablo
    A relevant intrapersonal characteristic for understanding intentions and behavior toward environmental sustainability is the degree to which nature is important for a person’s self-definition. Clayton’s Environmental Identity (EID) scale purports to measure this construct. However, a limited number of prior exploratory studies of this measure have supported different factor structures. Hence, our initial aim was to develop an understanding of the dimensionality of Clayton’s 24-item EID scale by testing competing latent structures using confirmatory factor analysis. We analyzed self-reported data from 458 adults (Mage = 26.7 years; 81% female). Four a priori models (a first-order model, a second-order model, a unidimensional model, and a bifactor model) did not show satisfactory fit to the data. An ancillary analysis using bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (bifactor-ESEM) indicated a bifactor model with three specific factors had a good fit to the data. The factor loadings of this model and values for bifactor indices (Omega Hierarchical and Explained Common Variance [ECV]) indicated a single mean score across all EID scale items taps into an essentially unidimensional construct and is therefore appropriate to interpret. In sum, our study provides a critical insight into the dimensionality of Clayton’s EID scale that will be valuable when applying this measure for research and intervention purposes.
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    Special issue. Places and human behaviour: from local to global — PSICAMB 2017 / XIV Conference on Environmental Psychology
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020) Loureiro, Ana Luisa Cardoso Marques Teixeira; Bernardo, Maria de Fátima Campos
    This special issue publishes a selection of works presented at the XIV Conference on Environmental Psychology, held in Évora in June 2017, under the auspices of PSICAMBAsociación de Psicología Ambiental
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    Effects of contact with nature on connectedness, environmental identity and evoked contents
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020) Mena-García, Antonio; Olivos-Jara, Pablo; Loureiro, Ana Luisa Cardoso Marques Teixeira; Navarro, Oscar
    Natural experiences influence identity and the way of interacting with the environment, and their effects are varied, including wellbeing and positive thoughts towards nature. This study analyses the effects produced as a result of real or virtual experiences of nature. A total of 288 people took part in this research, distributed among three experimental conditions: nature walk, images of nature and control group. Changes were registered in terms of connectedness and environmental identity, caused by the experimental conditions and differences in the free evocations generated. Connection to nature was higher among those who took part in the nature walks, related to the evocation of positive emotions, memories of social experiences in nature and pro-environmental reflections. These results are interesting for the field of environmental education and the promotion of environmental values and behaviours.